Why is Jow Forums FUDding REQ so hard?

why is Jow Forums FUDding REQ so hard?

It is a legit project that can go mainstream in 1-2 years easily. It has a solid team (hint: not chinks) and strong token economics.

Is it because all of you bought at ATH? I'm holding a 10k stack I got @6cents and I'm very comfy with my decision.

Attached: req.jpg (400x400, 6K)

Are you new here?

just stfu and accumulate jesus christ its a blessing


op is paid reddit mod.
pls go back to your $25 mozzarella

Nobody is even talking about REQ.
I guess lack of paid shilling is technically "FUD".

Attached: 1_4UKs2himMgbotvXEftWj2Q.png (1200x1600, 2.75M)

Mind filling me in on the mozzarella meme, had some cheese sticks yesterday doe

Jow Forums hates mozzarella

There’s like 10 threads a day about Request and Mozerella. How obvious does it need to be for you guys.

Jow Forums was posting meme FUD about this shitcoin since February. If you unironically suggest to buy REQ because of the FUD, you should kys.

I'm near my breaking point. Everything hinges on the next update for me. They've had too many joke updates in a row now. If there's no substance in the next one, I'm dumping these bags at an 85% loss and moving on. Can't believe how humiliated they've made me feel in such a short span of time. I remember back in February when we all thought they were the biggest rockstar team in all of crypto. Jesus christ.

K I’ll go do that and burn 800k req for you

not being a chink coin does bring more legitimacy to it but that really aint enough.

Maybe if they’d get something done it’d stop being a laughing stock. Plus, nobody uses the shit they do have done.

Reddit mod, instead of shilling on here, tell the Req team to get their fucking act together. Have some pride goddamnit. That will have more of an impact on price than these desperate attempts on biz to change our minds (when we’re right).

It's almost like we can't have magical partnerships and DApps appearing from thin air every month. Who knew.

uhh the least Req could do is not lose partnerships every month. they’re hiding their “muh 10 dev teams” because they are a bunch of pajeet teams not doing anything.

reminder that req even burns tokens you store on a exchange

Attached: 2018-05-22-185138_739x261_scrot.png (739x261, 25K)

They've lost one partnership. One.

It's almost like you shouldn't be a smug motherfucker and stick to monthly updates
It's almost like you shouldn't be an asshole and post about your delicious $25 MOZARELLA and MONKEYS when your investors have lost 90% of their money
Kys AbstractTornado

Buy high. Sell low.

OP will stay at 1 post because he's a pajeet shill who can't into english
Prove me wrong

Who says I'm selling? I'm a ICO investor but I'm still laughing at the unbelivable autism from the team.
Really, are you happy with your cheese updates?
They got all smug and said "Hey, why don't we make by-weekly updates? I'm sure we won't dissapoint anyone!"
Montly updates is still too much, but better than fucking byweekly

Just took the chance to increase my stack to 10k+
my body is ready for the next bull-run

If you bought during ico you are not down 90% keep larping pajeet

I did the same thing. At 6 cents REQ is a steal.

When did he say he's 90% down? Also will you address the criticism or you'll continue with the ad hominems?

>1 post OP
Lmao everytime


Coz the team is a bunch of digital nomad wannabes living the hipster life in asia browsing reddits all day. Check their fucking discord, it's a rah rah sjw basedboi echochamber. They couldn't handle the heat on TG so they packed all their cheerleaders into one comfy spot

Here's your (you). I can see you need it

Yup. Had 6.4k which I bought for 1.8k$, now got 8k+ for 600$

Can I request my money back?

Haven't looked into Req that much, what is their main feature? Is it the retarded real time "smart audit" thing? Cause if it is I understand why it's such a shitcoin.

Same reason they always do, so they can buy it cheaper.

>out of arguments
Lmao the absolute state of shills

Nice. It's always a good idea to DCA projects you believe in. And REQ will deliver eventually I'm 100% sure.

it's either fuding req or /gif

>stick to monthly updates
/biz wants daily report faggot

report daily bitch until moral improves

Based on what? The team has never accomplished anything. Moneytis was pathetic. YC partners hate the Req team. What little products they’ve made suck and no one uses them. And they don’t market.

>basically down to initial
Pick one.

its a unironicaly the same,user

Daily would be stupid. With the current productivity? They would probably report what breakfast they had that day.

we cut their carbs intake