P3d contract down from 85k to 60k

>p3d contract down from 85k to 60k
is it over for fomo/p3d fags?

Attached: maxresdefault.jpg (1280x720, 63K)

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Been over since about 2k ETH into the F3D: Long contract, anyone who has invested since then has yet to even get their initial investment back (other than the 2 people who won F3D short, 99.9% chance the winners were Team JUST members or hackers)


Attached: 1531851642040s.jpg (250x177, 8K)

>buys ponzi
>gets scammed
>wonders why
The absolute state

I’m actually losing faith in these guys. Seems like they have no clue what the fuck they’re doing

that's what I thought. seems to me they thought they were gonna keep repeating the madness that fomo long achieved, but that didnt work as planned and p3d contract just shaved 20k eth

RIP anyone that kept buying

a new generation of baghoders is born

You really think people smart enough to write these smart contracts are as stupid as they're acting? They go in discord and constantly say random varied cryptic messages about "durr even we don't know how it works, that's what makes it le fun :D" so that when they repeatedly backdoor the F3D: Short contract they'll say you had no excuse to buy in, don't be a tard, avoid at all costs.

Attached: F3D Short.png (497x851, 110K)

what a fucking autist dev

Made 30 ETH off their projects. It's dead Lol it was a fun little ride but I'd advise everyone to gtfo.

Get in on the EOS ponzis now before they go crazy


There may be potential left in fomo 3d long if ETH goes on a bull run, but yeah, I doubt the glory of the first couple of weeks will be relived any time soon. Needs some dumb normie money but the odd format and exit scam parody will confuse the shit out of them.



they sent 1200 eth in the ico phase just to withdraw 1568 mimutes later and then to drain the contract for another 2465

if you still want to have a chance to win, join this little clone and then shill it to the moon


They JUSTED a lot of investors with their quick ponzi, I'm suprised nobody is getting sued.

That's why it's branded as such. There's no legal recourse when the 'game' is to scam players. It's genius really.

It was less than 50,000 eth less than a week ago, you dumb fuck. New games coming soon too.

it got mine attacked can't manage to withdraw or even reinvest. they got 51% and they only mine their transactions.
>get mined

how heavy are your bags mate

FOMO long is the only part worth it. FOMO short was a crapshoot. Seemed like there was a lot of shady shit going down as soon as it launched.

Wait - are you telling me people actually put their ETH into this?
I thought Jow Forums was 18+

This user is smart af

Does anyone have the screenshot that they posted about the 51% attack? They deleted it themselves, totally not suspicious.

People who buy p3d are mentally retarded. These games are a fad that's already dying out.

its over, all money will go into snowdividends now