How many of you here are unironically christians?

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I am only ironic, so that the state can't completely bend over for muslamics.

I'm only ironically a Christian.

no sir, I'm not

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Catholic since last 18 months after like 10 years of edgy fedora atheism.
Went back to church because of personal things happening in my life.
Usually go to mass every other week.

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I'm an ironic christian. I don't believe Jesus ressurected himself but I do kind of like his tips and tricks on philosophy.

Im catholic since birth

im not baptized and i think every religion is silly

>since birth
so all other gods are fake except the one you happened to be born into. cool.

I am buddhist

I am

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Similar, Catholic since 3

born and raised Lutheran


Me desu. Raised Anglican but go to any variety of Protestant Church.

I went to a Catholic kindergarten and I'm baptised, but despite the sunday school type lectures they gave us, I failed to develop a concept of religion.

But nowadays I don't go to church very often.
And two years ago I almost became catholic for theological and historical reasons. Protestants, in general, don't know much about the Catholic doctrine, they only have a piece of shallow knowledge about it and about the history of Christianity. But Protestantism is more practical and therefore more realistic in some aspects than Catholicism. Another thing to be commented on Catholicism is that the Catholic church is more organized than protestant churches. Catholicism has more sense of union and has a more consolidated and concrete idea of church.

"""Religious""" people are all lying, thats my stance. No one actually believes that shit lol

i consider myself religious but only because i use the wisdom in the bible on my daily life, shit it's pretty useful if you don't take everything literally

I wish I could believe.

Why do you even call yourself religious then? Taking useful bits and pieces from literature doesn't make you religious lol

No, I have an above room temperature IQ.
Imagine unironically spending your Sunday morning listening to some guy talk about a guy who walked on water and turned water into wine while believing this to have actually happened.

Some weird in-between where I take use of the values and wisdom from the bible but am not convinced about God.

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I am, though I still don't know which denomination to join.
>being born into a religion means that this is the only reason you believe in it
ok retard

who here /gnostic/?

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Unironic syncretic tending towards gnostic thought, and my parents are Sufis. AMA

no sorry, I do this thing called 'thinking' so I could never be religious

Born a catholic and go to church on Sundays
Went to a catholic school in my youth

are there sufis in the balkan? from my understanding the only sufis in the balkans are Albanians

This but unironically.

>Went back to church because of personal things happening in my life.
Did that "personal thing" involve some sort of brain damage?

Do you actually believe the doctrine or are you going for generic spiritual reasons

I go to mass every Sunday and believe everything the Catholic Church teaches

That's not a Christian dummy

My mother is Catholic and my dad was Buddhist but has since converted to Catholicism. I have no interest in religion and will probably never become religious at any point in life

Sufism has had great influence on Bosnia during initial conversion periods and we do have a large Sufi minority, to which my parents happen to belong (although they both were raised Sunni and only started discovering their interest in Sufism while I was still a child)

Never met anyone who actually believes in god. Even my muslim neighbour and his family have become atheist after moving here.

I'm a Catholic Sufi

atheist forever

Born and raised atheist.

I've never met a single Christian in my entire life.

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I've met and had conversations with Christians, Hindus, Buddhists, Sikhs and Atheists. And I am a muslim from a muslim country.

if I was a shut in like you I would have never met any muslims either

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Because your country killed them all?

i was raised non denominational protestant but casually drifted away from the church and became an athiest/agnostic edgelord, which is unfortunate because I postulate that I'd be a lot less cynical and nihilistic if I had remained religious. I do like the aesthetics of some catholic and orthodox churches though, and think religion is a necessary social cohesive 'glue' for a healthy society.

on a side not pale skin/light eyes/ dark hair is such a god-tier phenotype.

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I was atheist till 23, nowdays I believe in the Lord.

I am atheist but I want society to be christian

I pray everyday and dream about murdering kuffars on motorcycles

Why are fedoratards so obnoxious. You should all be murdered to be quite honest.

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>Caius Julius Caesar Mussolini

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Went to congregational churches most of my life but I have been to others and wouldn’t mind something like Orthodox ones either.

Fake it till you make it, Bernd.

Lies mal C.S. Lewis’ „Mere Christianity“ und/oder „The Problem Of Pain“. Fand ich recht hilfreich.

I went catholic -> atheist -> agnostic -> christian

Do you feel you need to join any particular one? Just go to the one whose services you enjoy the most in your area, whatever that happens to be.

Aaaand of course he’s Norwegian.

I mean ... it’s been demonstrated to be possible on a micro level even for humans so why would God incarnate not be able to?

Talk to some Armenians if there are any left near you.

We never had those in here to begin with. But I can talk to you if you're Armenian.

Born and raised Catholic. Went through an edgy athiest phase in my 20s. Just started going back to church.

Fuck, I meant to reply to . My bad.

lmao it seems like the late 2000s/early 2010s Jow Forums era of atheists hating christians included so many posters here that consider it to just be a "phase"