I've decided to send money anonymously, as a gift, to poor people in Moldova. However...

I've decided to send money anonymously, as a gift, to poor people in Moldova. However, is there a risk that I could get people in trouble with the law if I send a book to a random address with the equivalent to a year's wages (in Moldova) inside?

Do you guys have any suggestions of what kind of small, local charities would benefit from some donation in that country?

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Moldovan diaspora here. You can safely send your money to me.

Are you really from there?

Any suggestions on how I can help some people there without being patronizing or getting them in trouble etc?

No, but how about Sos childrens villages? You can pick a country
It is also a non-political organization and widely accepted as a charity.

also you get cute mails from the kid every half a year or so

Okay thanks, I'll look at that. I am rather skeptical of large, international charities, though I realize they are perhaps better organized etc.

Preferably, I would like to send money to individual families or maybe a school or something, but I also don't want people to become suspicious and maybe even try to find out who I am.

They don't cover Moldova for some reason. I mean it doesn't have to be there, but the poverty from what I've seen is the worst in Europe. I saw an interview with an old lady, still working in her 70s or something, who said she always hoped things would improve and she could work less, but still she only earned about £50 or something a month, maybe not even that.

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>but the poverty from what I've seen is the worst in Europe.

how little you've seen


I mean statistically, on average.

>1 km from city centre

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why don't you just go there as a tourist? I'm sure these people would rather appreciate money they could honestly earn than receive as direct financial support, otherwise you will be considered a cynical westerner who treats Moldova like a kind of a zoo or simply wants to show off

I am quite an introverted person and since I'm relatively young I would feel sinister giving money to older people or families, as they may feel embarrassed. I was hoping to just place money inside a book, and send it to some families with a note saying it was a gift from a stranger. But I don't want them being investigated for drug smuggling or something.

maybe just buy Moldovan wine

>you will be considered a cynical westerner who treats Moldova like a kind of a zoo or simply wants to show off
He can send it to me, I will appreciate it. I can even send him self made greeting card.

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People in Moldova have made their choice, they could join Romania many times and be a EU member now but they keep voting for russophilic politicians.

Large charity organizations have to pass certain criteria to pass as charities in eu, like no more than 3% of the money may go into administration. I am not sure of the exact percentage tho. I would look out for that.

ground and pavement looks cleaner than 75% of Russia

holy fuck, and people say krauts are cold and autistic

there is a saying that "every country has the government it deserves"

check this out
I know it's in German but Google translate should work okayish to understand it roughly. God bless you user.

let me guess, you just watched bald and bankrupt?

I have watched his Latvia videos, however I've watched documentaries about Moldova in the past and have started watching more recent documentaries about the country.

Thanks for the link.

you should check out his channel now, he's currently going thru Moldova and transnistria. could give you more insight.

Okay thanks, I will watch them. I saw the one where he is in the centre of Chisinau and the subway is in disrepair etc.

and give money to some alcohol company oligarchs? blah

Write a letter with the money explaining why you are sending it if you think people will be freaked out by suddenly getting so much money randomly by a stranger

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>I have watched his Latvia videos
I tried to find it but it seems he didn't do any Latvia videos

Ah sorry, I meant Belarus.

That is very good of you user, i hope you figure out how to find people in need and help them. It is what ive been doing for the past 4 years, i got lucky and found an apartment for very cheap where i live, i make okay money but beyond my very cheap rent, heroin, food, cat food, and internet i dont need or really want it, so every week i go to a ghetto near by where i live and buy dope from (in westside chicago) where i know a few poor moms and grandmas, and i discreetly give them monies. I give $375 a week to 4 nice ladies who really need it, they have lots of children to takr care of. They try to make it up to me but i dont accept anything besides maybe a nice dinner with them sometimes. It is surprisingly hard to give people money, it is a weird thing apparently. Anyway, good luck user you are cool


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are you trying to grease a girl on interpals?

yeah i'm one of them Moldovan diasporas, giv shekels pls

Hmm would be feasible to contact some fashion designer to set up some sewing factory for them to work? (I mean something of that kind) Or any other type of business just to give them opportunity to find a better job.
Cuz ya know, handing out fish is a humble gesture, but how about teaching them to fish?


whoops, i meant

>You're a great person
t. King of Sweden.

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