Eth will I need to make it (considering they nail sharding down)
How many
just 1
1000 eos
what if 2019-2027 is like 2010-2018 and one ETH ends up being worth $100,000? What will you guys do? I'll literally fund a private army to hunt you fucking cunts down for hurting my feefees with all your trolling REEE
Boggles me how retarded one can be. Thought this board had a higher than avg iq
>Thought this board had a higher than avg iq
lmao it's full of indians
Is 100k possible or a meme. That’d be a significant market cap.
It's a meme. I think we can hit 20T but ETH won't be such a huge deal by then probably, unless Vitalkike is a superhuman
> [assuming] they nail sharding down
That's not a guarantee user. Hedge your ETH with some ZIL. Really though who knows, obviously ETH is the crypto-prince right now, but I don't like how easily their network gets clogged
EOS just broke a record for the most daily transactions on a blockchain. It now holds the record for most TPD and TPS. It's only been out for two months and it's already doing things that Ethereum can only dream of
5 eth on zethr and youll make it.
Not buying into that. Devs are greedy as fuck and bot everything. Hard pass for me.
64 and you make it.
I think most people in the industry know ETH is better than BTC (functions as money AND something potentially useful, higher TPS). Most people I have talked to only buy BTC for the reason of "because everyone else is" despite the fact they think ETH is vastly superior. BTC dominance is slipping and once it is barely more used than ETH, I don't think there will be any reason for anyone to buy BTC ever again.
EOS is a meme created by a meme. Btfo with that nonsense
Compelling argument
>lists reddit as a source
This is exactly why I don’t argue with people who believe in EOS now leave me alone kek
no amount of future ETH is gonna make you rich. You either have them now (and are selling them ASAP) or look elsewhere. ETH is going to the shitter, even before it turns PoS (piece of shit). You have been warned
>warned by a basket weaver
Thanks sold 100k eth
>BTC dominance is slipping
lol no its not
BTC dominance is highest its been in over half a year
>Feeless service has more transaction
>he thinks I was posting plebbit FUD as a source
Holy shit you're dumb. plebbit hates EOS, and I guarantee you visit there as often as Jow Forums
Fees have nothing to do with capability. Ethereum is almost always at its maximum capacity despite fees. Making it free would solve nothing.
Yeah biz also said EOS was a good buy at $20. I’d be dead had id taken that advice. I’m assuming you know 0 about code and rely on people to give you your opinions. Codejunkies know EOS is shit and none will disagree. It’s dumbass people like you who larimer preys on. Get rekt
my parity eth is like a store of value because I know vitalik will fork for me when the market is right
Honestly, i would put my money on ZIL, seems like they perfected network and transaction sharding years before everyone. and it's really undervalued anyway
Put your money back in ETH in 2020-2021 (I still believe ETH will dominate the market even if they won't be technically relevant at that time frame) and hope they will achive state sharding.
At least 2500.
Neck yourself
Sounds like projection to me. I'm a programmer and I've been working on distributed network software for 5 years. I invested in EOS after I played around with the test net back in February and realized that it was capable of doing things that no other blockchain could do.
Sounds like projection? That literally made no sense. You fucking bum lmao
Nice larp btw.
32 so you can stake...if Casper gets implemented suddenly ETH will become an income producing asset...people will go nuts over ETH when it's an income producing asset
You sound like you have a super high IQ.
>literally made no sense
>you fucking bum
>nice larp
Ad homenim attacks are a sign of someone that has no other arguments or is too stupid to make any. Dev here with a 144 iq, eos will flip ETH whether you reddit faggots like it or not
Based red pill user, was already excited about eos before that, but that was the final “sell me this pen” moment
Again. Nice larp. $20 good buy sir please buy brb I need take shit on street. speaking of as hominem, nice projection their bucko. Now kys
In b4
>running out of bullshit to spew and resorting to hating on grammar.
Kek BTFO you and your internet iq test
All jokes aside, eth will dominate for years to come. They have more devs than rest of the coins combined have. Eos might have higher tps in paper but its all promises for now, just like every other platform coin out there.
where can I sign up for the "1 billion in EOS projects"?