Korean study thread

Korean study thread

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No one fucking care about korean

Based island Jap blasts continental losers

I do nipponlet, and it seems like you too, since you joined us......


Hangul has too many homonym without Hanja. Its defected language.

Even if you may read by each sentence and get a meaning , that's shit and defected as language.
korean can not distinguish the words at all by the words itself. And no any solution of this by hungul system.
except try to "guess" the meaning by each of sentence.

Even words about math
素数(Prime number)
少数(Small number)
all of them are one word 소수.

以上(More than) all of them are one word 이상
And more complicated,
首相 prime minister
受賞 get a prise, winning
授賞 give a prise, award
All of them are one homonym「수상」

事情 Situation
私情 Personal feelings
査定 assessment
射程 shooting range
射精 ejaculation
All of them are one homonym「사정」

Even if you may read by each sentence and get a meaning , that's shit and defected as language.
korean can not distinguish the words at all by the words itself.
except try to get the meaning by each of sentence.

電気 electricity
電機 Electrical machinery
伝記 biography
前期 the early part
全期 Full term
戦旗 battle flag
戦記 a record of a war
転記 transfer posting
All of them are one「전기」

And korean has the some of the words opposite meaning and still the same words.

防火(Fire prevention) 放火(Arson)
Are one word 「방화」.
防水(Waterproof) 放水(Draining water off)
are all one word 「방수」.

連覇(Successive victories) 連敗(Series of defeats) are one word 연패.

And This is important words and it might use in the same sentence but the same words.

検査(inspection) 検事(prosecutor)
Are one word 「검사」.

・ in Korean media
"The best",
Does not distinguish all.
All are unified to "maximum".
These words of subtle meaning are being made dead words.

Because of this, Koreans can not understand sentences with complicated meanings only by Hangul.

Korean homonym problem cause of the big problems at 2010.
that has been confirmed Korean High Speed Rail KTX sleepers were all defective prodacts and have to replaced it.

It is the result of mistaking「방수」which 防水(Waterproof) 放水(water dischargeing ) are the same homonym in korea

The survey team

The cause of the crack of the Korean High Speed Rail KTX sleepers coused by the specification document was misunderstood by the korean homonymous words "Draining water off(reducing water)" and " waterproof "is the same homonym 「방수」in Korean.

So that Absorbent sponge material was used for the material of the plug (hook bolt) which the manufacturer ordered from the subcontractor..

알았어 쪽바리새끼야 ㅋㅋ

How do you differentiate between homonyms in spoken Japanese?

Probably with Chinese characters

병신 쪽바리 새끼들 ㅋㅋ 지들도 한국 깔려고 한국어 배운 새끼들이 ㅋㅋ

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Hangul has too many homonym without Hanja. Its defected language.
Even if you may read by each sentence and get a meaning , that's shit and defected as language.
korean can not distinguish the words at all by the words itself. And no any solution of this by hungul system.
except try to "guess" the meaning by each of sentence.

童貞(Virgin) 同情(Sympathy) 동정
有機(Organic matter) 遺棄(Abandonment) 유기
史記(Shiji ancient Chinese history ) 詐欺(Swindle) 사기
顧問(Adviser) 拷問(Torture) 고문
郵政(Postal administration) 友情(Friendship) 우정
火傷(Burn) 画像(Image) 화상
風速(Velocity of the wind) 風俗(Customs) 풍속
戦死(Killed) 戦士(Soldier) 전사
数値(Numerical value) 羞恥(Shame) 수치
犬食(dog eating) 見識(Discernment) 견식
読者(Reader) 独自(Originality) 독자
停電(Power failure) 停戦(Cease-fire) 정전
救助(rescue) 構造(structure) 구조
意識(Consciousness) 儀式(ritual) 의식
声明(Statement) 姓名(Full name) 성명
全員(All members) 田園(The country) 전원
全力(One's best) 電力(Electric power) 전력
捕鯨(Whale fishing) 包茎(Penis phimosis of foreskin) 포경
課長(Section chief) 誇張(Exaggeration) 과장
地図(Map) 指導(Guidance) 지도
初代(Founder) 招待(Invitation) 초대
駅舎(Station) 歴史(History) 역사
反戦(Anti-war) 反転(Reversing) 반전
連覇(Successive victories) 連敗(Series of defeats) 연패

How does one speak in Chinese characters?

Spoken Japanese and written japan language is useing different words

Written Japanese language is useing like High prestige words

So you don't have any homonyms in spoken Japanese?

Hangul has too many homonym without Hanja. Its defected language.
Even if you may read by each sentence and get a meaning , that's shit and defected as language.
korean can not distinguish the words at all by the words itself. And no any solution of this by hungul system.
except try to "guess" the meaning by each of sentence.

祈願(Prayer) 起源(Origin) 기원
同志(Fellow) 冬至(Winter solstice) 동지
市長(Mayor) 市場(Market) 시장
紳士(Gentleman) 神社(Shinto shrine) 신사
首相(Prime Minister) 受賞(Winning) 수상
映画(Movie) 栄華(Prosperity) 영화
歩道(Pavement) 報道(Report) 보도
お腹(Stomach) 船 (Ship) 배
日傘(Parasol) 量産(Mass production) 양산
主義(Principle) 注意(Attention) 주의
団扇(Fan) 負債(Debt) 부채
大使(Ambassador) 台詞(Dialog) 대사
諸島(Islands) 制度(System) 제도
定額(Fixed amount) 精液(Semen) 정액
インド(India) 引導(Requiem) 인도
対局(Play) 大国(Large country) 대국
無力(Powerlessness) 武力(Military power) 무력
電車(Train) 戦車(Tank) 전차
発光(Luminescence) 発狂(Going mad) 발광
充電(Charge) 充填(Filling) 충전
代弁(Representation) 大便(Feces) 대변
朝鮮(Korea) 造船(Shipbuilding) 조선
反日(Anti-Japan) 半日(Half a day) 반일
柱石(Pillars) 主席(The president) 주석
防火(Fire prevention) 放火(Arson) 방화
防水(Waterproof) 放水(Draining water off) 방수
地方(The provinces) 脂肪(Fat) 지방
駅舎(Station building) 歴史(History) 역사
検査(inspection) 検事(prosecutor) 검사

Usually yes and homonyms problem is occurring usually at docment as like here

定額(Fixed amount) 精液(Semen) 정액
일본 놈은 정액으로 정액을 마셔요

Most biggest problem of Korean alphabet is when it come to terminology. Like special advanced academic study at graduate school.
Hangul has too many homonym without Hanja.So it's difficult to read advanced academic essay only Hangul.

If you learn, medical study, law, biology, and so on by Korean language, Hangul has too many homonym
As like here.

Those are words used frequently even in daily life, And young Korean generation which didn't get Chinese character education can hardly distinguish both words.
How much more for academic terminology?
Even those easy words about math is like this so many homonyms
素数(Prime number) 小数(Decimal) 少数(Small number) all of the are one word 소수

so they can't learn advanced study without back up of Chinese character especially young generation of Korean who didn't learn Chinese character.
If you are at west, you would learn Latin or ancient greace for terminology.
Korean Have to use chinese character when they learn the advanced academic terminology.
So it is lie that Korean could perfectly get rid of Chinese characters Without problem.

Since majority of the Korean vocabulary is based on Chinese characters,or wasei Kango Japanese , each of which has its own meaning, so many Korean words are coined that way. For example, ankle in korean is "foot+neck". In English, ankle itself has an independent meaning but in Korean, ankle is comprised of two different Chinese characters: foot and neck. This is why so many Korean words sound very strange or nonsense when they are literally translated into English word for word.

>Hangul has too many homonym without Hanja.So it's difficult to read advanced academic essay only Hangul.
>So it is lie that Korean could perfectly get rid of Chinese characters Without problem.
That`s why in academic literature you have a occasional chinese caracter, just like in any other language you won`t be able to read a scientific paper without a specific vocabulary.

>童貞(Virgin) 同情(Sympathy) 동정
일본 오타쿠 다 동정인데 저는 그들한테 동정 안 해요

Meant to quote

동음이의어는 일본이 더 많음.
그래서 한자가 없으면 구별이 힘듬.

>捕鯨(Whale fishing) 包茎(Penis phimosis of foreskin) 포경
일본 남자는 포경을 견디면서 포경 해요

문법 책을 보는데 너무 좋아! 새 문법하고 어휘 배워

Get out of Jow Forums, SLUT. We all know you SLUT is studying this crap language (instead of learning based japanese) because you like k-pop. Fuck you and your SLUTTY thread.

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based & han pilled



Why the fuck Japs are so butthurted and get mad at someone trying to learn Korean on international forum? It looks like some sort of mental disorder.

새로운 친구 환영해요 ㅋㅋ

They are just mad people are losing interest in their pedo cartoons

"-라", "-냐", "-는/ㄴ다" 다르다고 몰랐어...

Coreano nem é gente.

Attached: paulista sociopata de esquerda fumando.jpg (960x636, 49K)

então me explica como eles fizeram isso?

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네. "-라"는 특히 유용해요:
닥쳐라 병신새끼


after week (2weeks?) of wholesome language learning thread, the jap finally cracked and need to spew the same ol shit as usual.

cara eu não sabia q os fios eram deletados tão depressa. Eu perdi aquele que o cara ensinou a xingar. Tu salvou em algum lugar? Poderia me passar?
This jap always lurks here

holyshit based brazilian

Eu não salvo não, só faço bookmark e deleto depois de ler no dia seguinte. Daquele dia eu anotei esses aqui:
>꺼져[라] : fuck off; imperative form of 꺼지다 = to blow out, be extinguished
>애미씨발년 : son of a bitch; 애미 = mother 씨발 = fuck 년 = bitch
>걸레년 : whore, slut; abbreviation of 걸레같은 년 bitch who is like a rag (used up, banged up like a rag)

A gente também discutiu:
>개새끼: son of a bitch
>병신: retard
>좆: dick

Ahh vlw. Mas e aquele de xingar a mãe só que não tão grave?


Tinha outro da mãe? Nem lembro

포토샵에서 천 시간

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Macaca, volte para o reddit.

친구, 저는 가요. 다음에 봐요

여러분 안녕히 계세요

>Tinha outro da mãe? Nem lembro
é tinha, o post foi deletado...
그 문법 책을 너는 연습하나가 글들이 읽어?
ㅋㅋㅋㅋ lighting 잘 못하지만 fucking 공간에 대한민국입니다 !

A analfabeta não sabe nem utilizar a vírgula e quer aprender coreano. Aposto que mora em São Paulo. Vagabunda.

Bem vindo ao fio de estudo coreano

o cara vem aqui reclamar da virgula
vai mostrar o cu num fio gay seu filho da puta

Question for Koreans. I read Korean webmangas atm and Korean names usually consist of three words I'm not mistaken. Is that the norm or are there more exceptions?

>그 문법 책을 너는 연습하나가 글들이 읽어?
Você está perguntando se eu leio os posts aqui ao mesmo tempo que o livro? Hoje não porque fiquei mais focado em tentar zuar o japa hehehe. Da outra vez tentei fazer isso, mas os exercícios são difíceis, eu tenho que prestar atenção na hora de fazer

아, 좋아. 친구님 안녕히 가세요!

The norm is one character family name followed by two character given name. Some people have only a one character given name, but it's not that common.


That's bascially 95% of people or something. However, there are surnames from before the foundation of the Korean state that goes against that rule. There are also people with only one letter as a name, for e.g: Kwon Yul, but that is very old fashioned.

No one fucking care about korean

some people have two character names, and some even four, but uncommon

>Korean thread
>Most posters are Brazilian
I'm impressed actually

i do

이 저IQ 왜놈새끼가 단어 못 구분하는것은 지 문제지 여기 뭔 지랄이야 ㅋㅋㅋ


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브러 모멘트

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I'm interested, how do i start? Like Japanese, by practicing the symbols or is it different?

it's way easier than japanese runes, you can learn hangeul in one day.
i advise tou to watch billy's video on youtube.

한국 군인이랑 결혼한 백마 사진 저번에 어떤 놈이 올린 거 봤는데 그것 좀 올려줘라

this one?

yes, also a trick to learn it quicker is to actually write the letters. after the end of this video and a lil practice i was able to read hangeul, lke a retarded kid maybe but it's so satisfating to be able to read those runes, now i need to understand them.

thank you, I'll be back when I can read

Haha ok chink

야~ 기분좋다!

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8090 kpop is one and only kpop

you didn't post baby wox tho

Listen to this
This is real korean music

not really it sounds like generic new jack swing, post actual trots.

Well shit
Then listen to this

better already, also love that accordeon lol

currently learning jap and it's so much fun you can't even calli t studying

This ones good too
Gives you korean war ptsd

it's blocked in my country kek

Try this one

How do asians do to study +10 hours everyday ?!!

here is more clever korean music, the smartness sweats from those panties

fucking great and i'm not sarcastic.

here is for you hanguk chingu

Old musics already make me feel those days
It aint like watching found old footages
Musics give me something more that those
I love it
Thanks chingu


i recently watched some of your tv shows to impregnate more into korean speaking sounds and they often play some random old korean songs and it's usually fucking great.

Id say old korean musics are true korean musics with western instruments
Musics nowadays sound nothing like korea except korean lyrics

it's the same everywhere you know

how did you know?

know what ?

Yep :(

Yes I know
How did you know
Do you like that?

i don't understand what you mean by how i know, i just searched for popular korean tv shows and watched some aneun hyeongnim episodes, it was kinda fun sometimes but most of the time i was puzzled by their fart jokes.

프랑스 친구야

>tfw ex Korean broke up with me cause I farted when we were in the same room

Here is some good old Korean music :

youtube.com/watch?v=LxRWK2e-yw8 Alost everybody in Korea knows about Kim kwang seok



I have three presentations, an exam and so many things to prepare for my translation master application before the 30 including translating 5 pages of a Korean novel and writing about my favourite Korean author but I didn't read any Korean book except non literature stuff so I'm rushing throught short Korean novels right now...

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thx for tracks and paiting for your exam

it still happens orally, they only avoid the problem on writing by using chinkrunes