
>everyone starts wearing short pants (girls especially)

is this exclusive to f*nland?

Attached: tyts.png (1064x979, 2.48M)

Other urls found in this thread:


>white "people" start complaining about the ""heat""

Attached: 1463579884522.gif (300x290, 1.74M)

As a southern scanian i consider everything below 20 + to be cold

>brown "people" start complaining about the ""cold""

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My uncle has warned me of finnish women, he says they are crzay, I think he was married to one. But honestly I wouldn't mind one, because part of becoming a man is making your own mistakes and learning from them.

can't wait for the summer :)

Attached: kuumottaaa.jpg (654x1254, 153K)

I thought they're crazy at first but after experiencing foreign women I realized how down to earth and honest they are. All women are crazy, the Finnish ones just a bit less so

t. Somali

Maybe you're just used to the kind of crazy Finnish girls are.

20°C is ok
30 or more is basically death

that's cold nibba
i had to wear a hoodie yesterday cause it was like ~13c

Wildfires lets go again this year.

Being truly at home in our region means loving the transitions. The people who make the shorts switch early are just well adjusted individuals who get joy from the changing of the seasons.
Truth is, most of us have quite warm summers and our winters aren't difficult when all we do is dress well and walk between our house and our preferred mode of transport. We dont endure any hardship, we are not tough people up here.
Yeah, no, you have to look forward to all the seasons, at least aesthetically.

Imagine the smell

It is good indeed. I always take a good whiff when a girl walks by

damn she really has a finnish face

I do even before +15

Go home, African man

Just rake the forests.

Refugee center turns into a dead frozen nigger storage

Post more finn girls! They sure are raising my temperature (and other stuff)

are you complaining?

Literally Retarded: The Post.

no, just finland

Yesterday i got rid of nigger in sauna by throwing löyly. Why do niggers not like löyly? You would think that they like the heat.

Who is worse: Russian or niggers?

Based brudda

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where's the lie though?

WAIT WHAT!?!?! People change their clothing according to the Weather!??!

wait wait so your telling me when going ice skating... people put on a coat? WHAT! NO WAY!

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the same occurs in the american midwest

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I feel cold even at 20°.
Good life for me starts at 30°. When others are sweating I feel great.
Funny thing is I have pale skin and blue eyes, not blond though.


Isn't that an Anglo thing?

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Attached: sweden italy.jpg (593x443, 28K)

why does this picture exist and what it's trying to convey

Yeah, I was stuck scratching my head for a while on that one. no clue

To promote Inter-temperature sex.

No, three weeks ago the perceived temperature was around 2°C, there was strong wind and rain and some chads and thots still managed to go outside in shorts, skirts or skirts or revealing ankles while the other half and tourists were well covered. They were probably sweating during this warm weekend.

his penis is 11 ºC bigger than hers



I know your feels. Kind of like in this commercial. I mean like it's juice they are selling and nothing else.


Thats really good juice, though!

Boycott it.

22°C here in southern Sweden, been walking around in shorts, t-shirt and crocs all week

Attached: 1555270807499.png (284x529, 56K)

It's 20 degrees already, what the fuck is this shit.
You have to go back.



Attached: eulf857onh901.jpg (935x1200, 84K)

The only acceptable thing you can wear on your feet in the summer.

>not being barefoot

the fucks wrong with you?

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I live in the shittiest part of town. Walking barefoot is like wishing for a HIV infected needle to enter your foot.

its socks and stocks for me, m80s

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Highly based if not redpilled.

And this gets a
V approval of me

>short pants
here girls wait till late may to do that, aka 25C plus

I only wear shorts if it's close to 40°. Otherwise it's inappropriate.

>mfw work at McDonalds
>forced to wear the Ronald McDonald clown suit outside the entrance and say hello to the kids
>20 degrees outside in Stockholm
>kid runs up to me and punches me in the nuts
horrible day

Attached: 2ec.png (600x600, 342K)

finns arent human or people, theyre trash

what an awful thing to say


A sweaty clown getting punched in the nuts perfectly matches my mental image of Sweden.

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>kid runs up to me and punches me in the nuts

I assume they were of darker shade?

It was a swedish kid

Whoa. You need to tame your kids m8. The good ol' belt will do it.

did you give him a good slap or get his parents to?

La creatura

I love these

You have to understand that all native swede kids are also Pippi Longstocking-tier little anarchist-shits

Can I marry the girl in the picture?

Unironically too hot

Gotta admit, I was exactly like Emil of Lönneberga as a kid

chad Emil vs virgin Alfons Åberg

Honestly the billionaires fault for not hiring a private security detail to surround himself and prevent Putin from approaching. Dumb cheesemonkey

Oops. Wrong chat

Ok so who's baby is it ?

I was going to ridicule you until you wrote
>Clown suit

Which McDonald's? I'll come punch you in the nuts when I'm in town next month


It means that us BLACK men are hotter than white pigs

urghhhh I would rather not say. What are you gonna do here?

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I want to wear those flats