
vapeman edition

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>thread started by mexican
well it was nice while it lasted

Two days in a row that I’m drunk at work. Fuck me im terrified.

why didn't you make it before i did, then

Canada needs more Mexicans.

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lol true

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>"have a good one"

lol this one's also true

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runny oatmeal > thick oatmeal


listen snow flake, you may not own a house (the most important thing determining your quality of life and what makes up the overwhelming majority of one's net worth) but you have a $500 cell phone and internet!

goddamn entitled hand out generation!

Imagine don't having a house but a phone instead and thinking that's enough.

Benefits of earning dollars and buying a house in my hometown. A big house and a car in 1~2 years for me. Ez.

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post again lad

Everything except the kids on desks, they're usually black.

just woke up, frens

wait what?

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I read that post 5 times now and it still doesn't make sense.

Did you have a good sleep?

Buy a house, fag.

21st for jewish gf

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should i get imperator rome day 1?

very cool thanks

Sure thing


didn't go to school again :/

Why not?

because i don't need to.. yet

I haven’t gone to class since feb. I think finals are next week

cum all up in your face



Big hot _____


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based and redpilled homosexual like Freddie Mercury

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tell me about your plans for classic wow

haven't showered or slept for two days lads

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gonna watch asmongold stream it

is he still dating that one bitch

i dont play videogames

I have zero interest in it

such is the neet life

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No frigging idea

>sour cream i bought is fat free

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won't be free from fat once your hands touch it

Wait, so you say this isn't how it is?

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im using a fork

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it does have those things, but it also has a ton of other stuff like huge cities, fairly old architecture on the east coast, and a ton of nature of all climates and terrains


i learned a long time ago any products with light blue coloring should be avoided

Does /cum/ prefer tits or ass?

>I have zero interest in it

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*crashes into thread*

haha that was fun


You can just stop, same as you started. Help is out there if you ask for it user, be well

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>New York

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based retards paying for those apartments

is the entire population of new york mentally ill? why live in squalid conditions with no spare money just so you can be in a giant gross ugly city? it makes no fucking sense, what's more, jobs don't even pay much more there than they do in the small town midwest

Um, no sweaty.... it's Dane.

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I've been working so hard today bros, I'm dead. All last week, up to this week, and tomorrow is the last day. I'm not going to make it, I know nothing I did was good enough. I just want to drink it away again...

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tell me about dane, why does he wear the mask?

what's your job?

a lot of curiosity for a hired cana

I don't know why he wears it but those are some mighty impressive digits you've got there

I live in Manhattan
I make over 700k a year

State taxing agency for my entire county fully time while finishing up my degree as well, and I'm in the middle of trying to move. It's just so much work from so many places.

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You make over 700k men cum a year

>doing meanial data entry is soooo hard
doesn't sound that bad, stop whining
the moving thing doesn't even count, you're probably young and have a pick up trucks worth of shit to move

stop being a faggot

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watching got
are they going to fight the skellingtons yet or not?

gonna go to the public library again

gonna play video games on my lunch break haha

gonna hunt you down

actually I'm in university, so I wore a sweater today and rubbed some cologne on my neck in an attempt to contain my stank

>Menial data entry
lol, I wish. It's ok that you don't, or won't ever really, know. Appreciate you reading my whining anyway.

why are you so gross bud

almost as many as the bfs you had lol

showering takes less than 10 minutes to even do.

just write some code that will do it

really hope this isn't the actual case you smelly boy

Have you guys never heard of pheromones? Guy's making the right choice although he should have skipped the aftershave

there's a difference between pheremones and poo

The only things I take my sweet time in are showers and shitting. I've given enough of my time in both to suffer, and I'll take as long as I want for my 'me' time.

if you're poor just get a job


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Have you seen the masterpiece known as Endgame yet?

how is doing taxes anything but that, it's just clerical work, it's not like you're being pressured to complete some project involving creativity or creating new solutions to new problems, which is truly stressful, nor is it physically exhausting work

i don't know what i'm missing here, feel free to explain

Not yet bruv. Soon

haven't been here half a year you ever meet that texas user?

getting a job isn't that easy...

Did i make right choice?

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lots of qts in the library today

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hey hi
hitler here

дoбpe yтpo, дpyг. Cпacибo зa пoceщeниe. :)
Бoльшинcтвo poccиян пepecтaют пиcaть в этo вpeмя.

you should also follow Omar and Bernie

И тoлькo aмepикaнцы в этo вpeмя нaчинaют.

Are you a chi?


En que le puedo ayudar joven