How did american culture become so cancerous?

how did american culture become so cancerous?

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The USSR forced us to pretend to be human. Ever since it ended we've had free reign over the entire globe. We're entitled and angry over our continued decline.

Unironically capitalism

B-but muh trickle down economics and bootstraps!

>Self-loathing "Americans"
You're all traitors and should be shot.

decadence. Old America was agrarian

Being new world
and this

>acknowledging the nation has problems

ok retard

this is your mind on boomerism

No amount of mutt posting while change that I am a White American of European descent.
Suck it gypsy.

And what sort of European are you?

Degenerate continental Euros overwhelmed the once noble colonial era population.

A lot of questions would be answered if we start treat people who live in usa like commies were treated i.e. cultists

>I'm white, not a mutt! My ancestors were German, Swiss, British, etc
Protio: identifying first and foremost as white is proof positive that you are in fact a mutt.



But what cult do they follow?


Mostly Irish and Scottish I think. I'm still a mutt yes, but a European descended one.

American cult of neocaputalism and american version of leftism. I wanted to describe it as a multilayered structure at first but then remembered that american neoleftists are not so fond of amendments and all of that old stuff americans usually cherish

I feel like this meme has run its course. We need aomething new.

You can't just slap neo in front of everything that you don't like Dr. Peterson.


Cancerous American culture started in the 1740s. At various periods over time they have been able to hide it behind a wall of money but it was always there

Which is exactly what caused most of America's problems.

True. It's american leftism not neoleftism. Neoleftism would mean that there was some other version of leftism in usa

>Cancerous American culture started in the 1740s.
what are you trying to say?
are you blaming cancerous culture on cosmopolitanism?


I'll tell you what didn't cause this: capitalism.


Anglos and germans were allowed to mix undiscriminately

German and Irish immigration was a huge mistake.

catholic* immigration
colonial germans are based

Almost the opposite, Americans are and were never cosmopolitan enough. This was particularly prevalent among southern agrarians who have almost always maintained an "us or me vs them" mentality.

so why are you choosing to begin it in the 1740s? That's when urbanism really started to develop strongly here in Philadelphia, NYC, and Boston, and the time thinkers like Benjamin Franklin begin to emerge

it's a result of interaction between protestantism, uprooted individualism and modern nihilistic philosophy


We hit the Pacific. Expansion into untamed virgin lands was what made this country great and the idea of being able to grab a sliver of that for yourself was the real, attainable American Dream. This country died when we ran out of farmland and turned to overseas imperialism like the Euros and developed our uniquely cancerous brand of super capitalism.
t. Frederick Jackson Turner

The natives didnt stop the angl*s and pr*testants from moving in.

the NFA of 1934

Most Americans weren't urban until the early 20th century but that's still beside the point. We have to look at what causes America's cancerous culture and how we define cancerous culture. For me the best way to determine what is cancerous and American id to look at what differentiates America from other western peer nations. So, having capital punishment in most states, healthcare, legalised political corruption, guns, homicide rates, insane police, fake patriotism, leader workship, partisanship, excessive militarism, poor and/or expensive education system, corporatism, and a general lack of concern for other's quality of life.


These are the biggest differences between America and every other western European country or extensions of western Europe like Canada, Australia, and New Zealand. Most of all these are caused at the very core by simple greed and hyper-individualism. I say the 1740s because the years leading up to the 7 Years War is where you start to see American greed and hyper-individualism, as it differs from other people, on display. You mentioned Ben Franklin which is a great example. He was one of very few men who actually supported colonial unity and a continental congress. For the most part American colonies were happy to throw eachother under the bus, refuse to aid one another, had a complete inability to use foresight or see the big picture, and just generally fuck their colonial neighbours over in an attempt to improve their position. Franklin was a rare exception as was Boston and the Province of Mass Bay (as I said southern agrarians were the most egregious). Even in Franklin's case though it wasn't out of any benevolence as has been potrayed, he was just interested in getting richervia land speculation in the Ohio Valley and realised that it would take a unified colonial army to dislodge the French and Indians. His fellow Pennsylvanians did not share his opinion.
This is where I see the start of America's problems and they just escalate from there until today.

>So, having capital punishment in most states, healthcare, legalised political corruption, guns, homicide rates, insane police, fake patriotism, leader workship, partisanship, excessive militarism, poor and/or expensive education system, corporatism, and a general lack of concern for other's quality of life.
Post studys and sources showing this
> Most of all these are caused at the very core by simple greed and hyper-individualism.
Validate your claim
>For the most part American colonies were happy to throw eachother under the bus, refuse to aid one another, had a complete inability to use foresight or see the big picture, and just generally fuck their colonial neighbours over in an attempt to improve their position.
Provide proof for your outrageous claim

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You can’t just hand wave the reluctance of the colonies to cooperate as a result of greed. You have to keep in mind that the colonies were extremely diverse in who made up their populations, their economic strengths and weaknesses, religious backgrounds, ways the colonies were governed, their histories, etc. You have, among other things,
>A Puritan theocracy with strong sense of independence from the English (MA)
>Dissident fleeing the aforementioned theocracy (RI)
>Heavily diverse middle colonies including a former Dutch colony, a Catholic safe haven, a Quaker safe haven and the playground of a bunch of militaristic, aristocratic LARPers sitting on the coast (NY, MD, PA, VA)
>Aristocratic slavers heavily loyal to the UK (SC)
>Impoverished dissidents fleeing the rule of the aforementioned aristocratic slavers (NC)
>A haven for debtors and a glorified fort meant to keep the Spanish at bay (GA)
Honestly, your post just shows a general ignorance of our history and your grievances with the behavior of the colonies is in the same vein as asking why the British didn’t unify several centuries early even though it would have made all three countries stronger.

>capital punishment
Legal in 33 states, nowhere else in the west does this
Your peer nations have universal basic healthcare, you have a very expensive mix of public and private based on age, income, and military service.
>legalised political corruption
You have corporate and special interest lobbying, unlimited political donations from near anonymous sources, corporations are legally people, unions are a unified voting and fundraiding block, etc. These are generally illegal in the west since they are just forms of corruption
You have 120.5 guns per 100 people, the next closest nation is about half if that
>homicide rates
Your homicide rate is 5.35, far worse than the OECD average of 3.6 or European average of 3.0
>insane police,
We can look at 100 different things, but let's just look at police killings. You have 9 times as many people as Canada but last year American police killed almost 500 times as many people as Canadian police

>fake patriotism
You are happy to wrap yourselves in a flag or put a yellow "we support the troops" bumper sticker on your car but in reality the percentage of homeless people that are veterans in other western countries ranges from 0.1% to 0.5% (0.35% in Canada). In America it is 10% by conservative estimates
>leader workship
You carve their faces into mountains, makd up fanciful stories, and depict them as literal gods like the Apotheosis of Washington in your capitol that shows George ascending to the pantheon of gods, or the large marble carving of him as Zeus in a toga
>excessive militarism
Your military budget is bloated and even your own Pentagon has been critical of it. Essentially it serves as a huge welfare jobs program
>poor and/or expensive education system
Canada is 6th in the world at PISA, America is 31st just between the Czech Republic and Latvia. This in spite of the fact that you spend far more on education than us. As for uni, yours is 2 to 4 times more than our's and in many cases Europeans go for free
>general lack of concern for other's quality of life.
Evidenced by a lack of universal healthcare, partisanship, and a high homicide rate among others

>provide proof of your outrageous claims

I can't spoonfeed you almost 300 years of your own history in a few Jow Forums posts. You need to do some reading, and try reading something by an author that isn't American.

They certainly were diverse which did lead to much of their inability to wirk together, instead of comparing that to the UK at various centuries, compare it to the other contemporary British North American colonies that were able to work together. None of the differences between what would become the 13 colonies were any larger than the differences between the French, Anglo, First Nations, American, Inuit, Scottish, abd Irish, (with a spattering of others) colonies and lands that would confederate abd expand to become Canada, all of which were successful at working together in the 18th and 19th centuries.

Yes, the different colonies that eventually made up the Dominion did manage to unify successfully, just like we did, but you can't tell me that it was all sunshine and rainbows on the way there. Even as late as the 1830s you had full sized rebellions as a result of conflict between the British and French, and the Durham Report straight up recommended stripping the ethnic French of rights they'd had for decades and wished to make them subordinate to the British populace. Even we never had full sized conflicts between the colonies of that scale.



Secularism and cultural-Christianity replacing genuine religious faith and its corresponding social cohesion.