>women are a good invest-
Women are a good invest-
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he got bored of her pussy
Wise decision. Putting career above roasties.
women always want guys who are succesfful and then they try to change them
Of course, if he's getting even more successful he could get in range of the next higher tier of roasties, so they need to prevent that.
>the next higher tier of roasties
there's a higher tier? please post pics
this girl was out of his legue, he's just a streamer and not even a popular one playing a dying game.
she is literally the hottest tv presenter in mexico with modelling jobs lining up etc.
but yeah he got bored of her pussy and dumped her ass, games are better than girls anyways, u can always get pussy, guy is not bad looking anyways, win championship then get a good looking hoe, won't be as good looking as this one but like who cares. I bet she was high maintenance as fuck and that's probably the real reason.
Don't listen to the incels. Any man who doesn't have a women is incompetent and incomplete.
There's always a higher tier. The ones whose pics you can find everywhere on the internet are literally the lowest tiers.
>the preemptive breakup...
>or go broke on some blown-out 70IQ MexiWHORE
I am no incel but but that statement is wrong. So Tesla? Incompetent?
Are you so insecure that you need someone around all the time? sounds incomplete to me not to mention incompetent
What do you mean by have?
Desperately clinging to one? Or having one wrapped around your finger?
Cause you sound like you're talking about desperately clinging to relationship status.
This though really. She was gonna leave his ass anyways. This way he looks like a boss for leaving a 10.
This chick is literally a 6-7/10, nothing special. You fags need to get out more.
And even if a chick is a 10, eventually u get bored of that shit.
Do you really want a western woman?
>hottest tv presenter in Mexico
>giant five head, man jaw, head like a potato
Seriously, josé?
>girl having her ass all over social media for autists and pervs to jack off to
>girl becoming a distraction rather than a compliment to you becoming successful
smart move by the guy
dime-a-dozen when you're famous. dude made the right call.
there's a saying. Show me a beautiful woman and I'll show you a man who's tired of her.
Noit like she's disgusting but maybe living with her doesn't feel like that much. Or maybe in 3 months he regrets it and he kills himself but I feel some of you want to put her on a podium. Like she could be even more boring than playing coloduti
They're not fucking 24/7, not a reason to keep her around. Or it could be him who's boring then it's her who dodged a bullet, stop getting asspained.
>It doesn't matter how hot a girl is. Somewhere there is a guy who is tired of her shit
I don't get it how these faze fags get so famous? All they do is play fucking call of duty, who the fuck cares about that shitty game?
Anybody that's ever been in a relationship knows that break ups are complicated. There's rarely just one single reason for breaking up with someone. He probably feels a lot of pressure about what he needs to do next in his life because let's face it, playing Call of Duty isn't exactly the best career move in terms of longevity.
I think in life you sometimes need to put your own long-term interests over your relationship, obviously this depends on the relationship - but if he saw cracks in the relationship or didn't see it lasting long-term, he has every right to instead focus his full energy on his career and what he needs to do next. That's the right move. He was probably doing the opposite of "thinking with his dick" in actuality (then again he also probably wants to sleep with other girls).
Source: I'm going through the same exact thing and the break-up is on the horizon
>For me to manage bring a professional Call of Duty player, being a gym shark/athlete, being a YouTuber making videos, playing Call of Duty full-time, taking care of two dogs, having a house and going through renovations, and then also managing a girlfriend… It’s like I had to pick my poison of what I wanted to spend my time and focus on. There’s only 24 hours in a day, and I just didn’t have enough time to do everything that I needed to do.
Honestly, this guy sounds pretty smart. He knows where his priorities lie. In this video, it sounds like he had to do do all the work for their relationship, like flying out to see her. He even helped her increase her Instagram followers from 200 to 6mil.
If he didn't break up with her now, she was gonna dump his ass as soon as a better guy came along
Imagine dating a guy who plays video games for a living
The higher tier is eternal. Roasties are a depreciating asset, not an investment. They get older, looser, more entitled, and bitchier as time goes on.
>Tesla incompetent?
Insane, I mean he loved a pigeon of all things. Agree with your overall point though.
>women always want guys who are successful and then they try to change them
women always want guys who are powerful and then they try to control them
see also:
the state
Thesejews prepared me for life
look up that girl
so much fkn plastic
ugly Mexicans
her plastic ass and ugly face kills it all
and the bitch thinks shes worth money
go to VENEZUELA my fwens. $6 for 1 hour
not like this ugly mexican
Nobody mentions how it might be a good move for both of them to create more news/clickbait articles akin to Hollywood couples announcing dating and breaking up to how their careers.
when she talk she has a deformed face
absolute cringe
riiiight, i think you're a faggot
sad murica looks up to beaners mexico
instead of south America miss universe candidates
More likely that she was whining like a cunt because he was spending all of his time doing what made him successful in the first place, and not paying attention to HER. That's what it sounds like to me. "All you do is play video games when I want to go to brunch with my friends and cluck cluck cluck cluck cluck"
Every. Fucking. Time. Your success is for HER benefit. Your needs? Don't matter. You're busy? Make time for her, or suffer.
Seen this happen so many fucking times. Women are a distraction. If you want success, wealth, peace and quiet, rent them. Never move them in. Marriage is for kids, and suckers.
She's a Mexican. There's plenty of higher tiers.
ever had sex with a virgin? Not a good time.
>Any man who doesn't have a women is incompetent and incomplete.
or fed up with them. dogs are better company you know
lol ugly jealous venezuelan, no one wants to go to your shithole to fuck some $6 skank desperate to feed her 5 kids you fucking retard. Ugly and desperate burgers go to Asia
gay cringe on maxiumun
those are the miss universe candidates you talk about? lmao i come across way hotter girls just walking the streets downtown
implying that women from another culture are any better.
>He fell for the "western women" meme...
Whoever she dates or Marrys will get the pleasure of this guys breakup video talking about boning your girl for a year on YouTube for all eternity and future generations.
If you watch the video he made, it's obvious what happened. She expected to move to the States (free green card, woo), he'd pay all the bills so she could live in luxury, and he'd pull strings and pay for the best agents and makeup artists and buy her designer clothes, so she could be an actress. And proceeded to sit on her ass and bitch at him all day for doing what he does to make money, while he's also trying to get into acting (spoiler: he's not), renovating a house, taking care of dogs, taking care of the house, and entertaining her spoiled ass.
Mexican Princesses exist. He managed to snag one, and found out was shrieking hens they are. They're never happy. They nag you, 24/7. Nothing is good enough, and they don't do shit, you have to do everything. Clean the house? LOL. Princess doesn't get her hands dirty. He wants to stay in this weekend and get the wallboard done in the living room - no, she demands to be taken to the best restaurants in NYC and then the most expensive shows and clubs.
I've seen this shit. He got off light, he didn't marry her and get her pregnant. Once she realizes the acting gig isn't happening, she's gonna latch onto the richest dude she can find, get pregnant, shit out a bunch of kids, and never lift a finger the rest of her life, living off child support and alimony, in someone else's house.
She's not a nice fertile young slampig
Thing is she probably was the type of woman that craves and desires attention. So she cam ho herself to social media for thumbs up. Dress promiscuous so guys like you and I would eye fk her to death. That's unsettling for some guys to handle, no matter how alpha you are. She wanted to pursue a career in modeling, which was taking it even further. If I was in the guy's shoes, would've done same (obviously after getting bored of that puss).
I assume mexican fathers spoil their daughters. The thing you describe fit's well into the outcome of that.
>that giant fat arse
>no tits
>thay ugly af man face
>that fucking jaw
>this is a 10/10 in a muttland
How are her feet?
Imagine dating a guy who trades funny internet coins for a living
>t. me
He clearly felt like she was an obstacle, good for him.
Imagine dating a girl who sells pictures of her tits for a living.
It's quite amazing how much different streamer earnings can be. I've seen a stream of a pro-gamer, who put like 5 years in a game and he said that first 3-4 years he was making like $5000 a year. This year he made about 20k on twitch and he considers it a huge success. Now the game he plays is not so popular as CoD, but it has its audience.
And here is this guy earning millions playing a fucking CoD and shagging top models. It's not even a proper shooter ffs.
Also, what kind a career is that anyway? In 10 years these pro-gamers probably won't be able to compete with younger streamers.
Imagine a 45+ year old boomer playing something like Fortnite 5 on twitch and competing with teenagers for subscribers.
post 10s from where you're from
Upvote if you would eat her ass senpai
her face is pretty average looking, plus latinas age even worse than white women
>games are better than girls anyways
Well said mah bruddah