
A brand new edition

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sup niggy


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/cum/ + /nederdraad/

hi guys, my name is brap crappler, nice to meet you all

why is swiss there?

guys what are some cheap foods i can eat? i dont have much money

>did ask to speak with a doctor?
Doctors are peckerheads. When I get sick, I just let it run it's course and go away.

if you are seeking console during your time of sickness, healing/recovery i would advise you not to visit here. me, personally? i hope you feel better soon and it's nothing too severe in the long-run.


Lentils, rice, beans, potatoes. Maybe buy some spices and make a simple dish out of a combination of them.



im not THAT low on money, i can afford to get some ground beef or something

but chickpeas are good

yeah good protein source as well


swiss cheese

i'm white, i dont eat that shit, i don't even know how to cook them

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death to "danes"

Then get some bud. Fish goes well with a lot of stuff too.

isn't fish expensive? i've never really bought it, only had it at restaurants or at other people's homes

Everyday I meet at least 3 other mexicans in my situation.

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are they brown?

who /ready to bully/ here?


*flushes your head in the toilet*


my reign of tower begins now

plot twist: the toilet was full of my feces


Some kinds of fish are more expensive than others, and it varies depending on where you live too.

who else here /lonely/?


hmm ok, whats a cheap fish i can buy?

Anyone else living in a big city?
I live in Manhattan, NYC

Besides canned tuna, you can find halibut for a fairly cheap price.

how much do you pay for rent?

What do you call a cow laying down?
Ground beef

how about pollock? i've heard that's cheap


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What do you call fear of Sweden? Homophobia.

I was born in Michoacán.
does that make me a Southern Mexican?

wtf there are teenage girls knocking on my door

Accidentally nutted on my pillow. Lucky it didn’t hit my face I guess

when ppl knock at the door when im alone at the house i just ignore them

anime is a disease, and those that obsess over it are either undeveloped, or pathetic losers well past the point of redemption

>anime is a disease, and those that obsess over it are either undeveloped, or pathetic losers well past the point of redemption

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thats what I did they probably just wanted money anyways (just saw them knock on other doors)

counterpoint: youre a fag

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pictured: the anime visage

If you see this post you have to say one nice thing today

there's more to life than a little money
don't you know that?

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impossible, I don't obsess over anime

you obsess over people watching anime

I don't enjoy it

used to

zoo wee mama

tfw no gf

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I love you


i'm probably the richest user on /cum/
I pay 7k~

Plz buy me gf

have you tried?

I have industrial tensile rope on order.

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I merely stated an opinion, be a faggot anime watcher all you like, now you know what you are, and that's the point!

wasn't this website made for anime?????

are you a banker or something? can i have some money?

whats gay about watching anime?

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I think people keep trying to be my friend or something but I haven't had one since I was in elementary school and I distrust intentions behind anyone's actions.

Nah, i run a welfare scheme

oh ok, can i have some money then?

Hello lads at /cum/
hope we're doing alright

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can i be your friend user


father was a millionaire...

Probably not.
So you are essentially on welfare.

are we going to talk about how much better hipster gfs are?

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is it easier to be a millionaire than getting a gf?

I had my gallbladder removed earlier today

Fuck off you prick

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this is bud territory, bud

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Anybody have that image of some guy proudly posting how he bought the toe right off the foot of broad he's paypiggy for? It's in jar of alcohol if that helps. Want to send it to my sister.

sorry bud

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fuck off dude

Prove it

Im not your dude, pal

No way, pal.

then im afraid this shan't be ending pretty lad

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Target acquired. What do you want me to do?

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not really. I run a business which I created using some of the money and make good money.

just be yourself

literally me

I never ask my friends for money ever but when I see a rich person I feel compelled to ask them for gibs since they have excessive amounts of it