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Why don't you guys post on hispachan?
I like both Chile and Brazil :)
how DARE you speak nice of Brazil
because i want to interact with more people than just the ones you can find in evert spanish speaking site
Mexicans always get butt hurt when I post. Apart from that one radical castizo one
Brazil doesn't even border Chilli wtf
It's more like they laugh at you
Okay, but why are we so obnoxious with each other?
Not only Mexico, Chile and Brazil, the whole LATAM. We love each other so much that we don't know how to express ourselves?
We suffer from tsundere retardation?
Hell no, That site is even more autistic than this one
high test
Unironically I hope they do. I talk shit but I do love mexibros. If they get a kick out of me acting like a dickhead its a plus for me
because murican are more funny
What does castizo mean? Pretty sure you can still look like a mudblood even if you are 70% white. Post pics, so we can rate your whiteness.
3/4 Spainish and 1/4 Amerindian. I've already face posted before.
giv brigadeiros and we're cool forever
you mean the dessert?
How do you know you're 3/4 spanish?
Have you taken a DNA test?
Central Americans really go crazy or those.
It can be heresy, but I honestly prefer the Argentinian Alfajor.
nobody can resist dulce de leche
We made some for a university group work, we chose them cuz there's no need for baking anything, didn't stop us from almost burning the thingy anyway. Almost.
Yeet. It was 56% Spain, 5% France, 5% Portugal, with some other misc euro regions to make up the other 3/4's. I figure they're all just small traces that overlap with the Spanish genotype samples.
where is dulce de leche originally from?
we made it at home, it was crap at best but edible.
I imagine a proper brigadeiro would taste really good.
Because being mean comes naturally to us
Yeah, the simplest version is very easy and practical, but if you don't do not pay attetion it burns quickly.
In a funny way I only really like doce de leite in a alfajor, in other foods it's taste gets boring very quickly, or overlap other taste just cause how strong it's flavor is.
good, churros are pretty nice too
I think the word criolo fits better than castizo in that case. Castizo is pretty old term and no one uses it.
no retard
t. Mestizo
Nah, criollo is it's own category. Castizo may be an old term but it describes my genotype accurately.
Amigo :)
Very very good thread :)
There are too many Brazilians on Jow Forums.
They always "roubam a cena" in these threads and ruin it eventually.
People there is obsessed with being validated as real pro channers oldfags or something, and is ironic because they cannot create a single original meme to save their lives.
I love every American country except Canada.
Suriname and that shitty Guyana don't count obviously.
We can always do better amigos and gringos
Brigadeiro is trash desu, too sweet and there's no nuance in its flavor
>where is dulce de leche originally from?
the same aplies to brazilian IB's. also the main reason why i got out of there