I dont think I'd be able to hold myself around nude/almost nude european cuties
I dont think I'd be able to hold myself around nude/almost nude european cuties
We know
planning on joining the rest of your tribesmen and become a rapefugee?
What happens when you can no longer hold yourself?
In europe they simply aren't brought up with the concept of modesty. I went there for 3 months. In a university campus i went past there was a group where one 18 year old girl was completely naked. I asked why and she looked down and they all said they hadn't even noticed but she was just at the gym and after her outside shower must have forgotten to put clothes on.
In public parks its actually illegal to wear clothes if its over 15 degrees. Same as if its raining , if its warm enough they just put all their clothes in their bags so they don't get wet.
>In public parks its actually illegal to wear clothes if its over 15 degrees
I am not responsible for my penis, its the womens fault for being naked around me in the first place. Its like me bending over in the prision showers trying to pick up the soap and get mad when a black guy tries to penetrate my anus
This is all true.
like the nuck said, we can already tell by looking at your flag
I find women in clothes sexier than nude as it leaves more to the imagine.
When I went through the middle east I was constantly erect just imagining the most insane bodies under all those rags
whats the matter? Was my post too spicy for your delicate white palette
you should rape them so they finally stop dressing up like sluts
Hrvoje smiri se.
>further proof pakis are braindead
indian nuke when
Wait, don't other countries do this? Are you all that brainwashed by Amerikkkan "nude=sex" mentality?
Must be horrifying tbqh
its like living like animals, humans are supposed to find the nude female specimen erotic or how else can we get hard and procreate? This is why the white race is dying
it's because white countries have women who aren't slaves like your islamic shithole and are actually smart so they have rights and shit
in sparta there were females with political power for example
but of course, living in pakistan means if your sister shows her elbow it means you can talk yourself into raping her
You realize pakistan had a female prime minister yet we've never had a female president
wtf I feel retarded now
how does that happen in a muslim country? saudi arabia just let women be able to drive like a year ago lmao
Pakistan is actually pretty extreme in its Islam but still Saudi Arabia, Afghanistan and Iran are the most extreme but even then women can do some shit.
Can confirm this. Bruce got everything right.
do people in pakistan only gang rape tourists and children? Or do they go for their own women too?
are men safe from pakpen?
Last time I was outside I got fined 200 euro for sitting in a park in shorts and tshirt, it was 26c outside, the policeman (they often patrol these parts of public park) was fat and ugly and ordered me to undress slowly. I didn't even have any kind of a bag to put my clothes on so I had to just carry it on my hands.
Norway was the most extreme. When i stayed at somebodies house they had about 5 different hat rack looking things to put different articles of clothes on whenever you went inside. They asked if we don't do that in Australia which i said no to. And it legitimately shocked them. And as i walked through the lounge to get to the kitchen their daughter was getting railed on the couch by her boyfriend.
You haven't been to Sweden
Why not? Pic related is from a beach in France.
Now THAT's good Ausposting.
was her boyfriend black?
Can confirm, I got two fines and one school suspension because I forgot to take off my clothes during warm hours
black people are not widely accepted into larger society
Im having a hard time believing that the daughter was getting fucked by her bf in the lounge while the rest of the family continued on with their day
they see it as the same as if she was playing chess or debating philosophy with her boyfriend.
What's happening here? Why is he standing there erect and she's not freaking out about it?
kek Did you believe everything else he said about people not even realising they’re not wearing clothes? Are you retarded or are sandniggers just this oblivious to the outside world?
It's just him, don't lump the rest of us with him lmao
>Europe used irony.
>It’s super effective!
Because she's turned on, obviously. All European women want a BLACK BVLL to inseminate them.
It europe so I wouldn't be suprised
Veoma baziran.
Why are brown people like this?
used to be true here before sharia became state law
bazirano i crvenotabletirano
God bless Allah!
it's literally true, every year on the news they present statistics of how many fines are given to people who don't comply, so far we've had 2307 infractions this year.
This is what sandniggers actually believe. So they come to Europe expecting easy pussy and when European girls react with disgust at their odor and appearance, they get violent.
if you go to an airport or a border crossing in europe you have to line up with all the other males and have your penis inspected by armed guards and if it's too small they refuse you entry
the other way around, though you can pay the penis fine, it's 25 € per cm above 7 per day of stay.
>imagine having a penis longer than 7 cm
imagine hurting women during sex, lmfao only bad guys have large dicks
Seeing attractive people naked IRL doesn't necessarily get me hard even though I like guys and girls and have a high sex drive. When I went skinny dipping for the first time I was kinda surprised I didn't get hard
t. Muhammad
you're practices are haram and Allah will ensure you suffer retribution
t. suffering from erectile dysfunction
I still jack off fairly often and think about sex a lot. I just can separate nakedness from sex.
>why yes i do become fully erect upon seeing a naked male or female
They get easy pussy and after that they get violent either way
Hey cockarap, how are you today? :3
u Muham-mad?
>it's because white countries have women who aren't slaves like your islamic shithole and are actually smart so they have rights
Cringe and bluepilled
Can confirm, family was sent to work camp and then executed because i forgot to take off clothes