He has had sex with gay men

>he has had sex with gay men
>thinks he will make it

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its not gay if he's my uncle

user do you have something to tell us?

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>he doesnt have homosex with straight men

>user do you have something to tell us?
Yea, this is at least the second time, Something on your mind, user?

It makes sense if you girl like me

Hey, what r u doing after this?


You’ll never make it.

>its not gay if he's my uncle
Your right, that is something much worse!

is giving blowjobs worth it? Can someone tell me?

>he's never tasted a ladyboy
>thinks he has made it

twink thread

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You have sex with straight men??

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OP btfo

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I only have sex with straight men

It's pretty much common knowledge that you can only make it if you hemorrhage the anal opening of a straight man