Which is the superior anglo city?

London or New York City?

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America isn't Anglo.

New York because they're paying respects to my cunt

new york
london is boring

>New York

>London and New York

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New York

NY is Jewish, italian, and Puerto Rican with a few micks

>Really thinks either has anglos

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New York City, bitches.

London is easily the most boring city I've ever visited

NYC, but it's more of an Italian city


Italians are known for their incompetence and NYC is the capital of the Earth.

which one has more songs about it?

Italians are pretty cool
Besides New York is netherlandish clay

the mayor of new york is italian

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Nah that's just a meme, they're just one piece of the mutt puzzle

new york, you mean New Amsterdam?

There are more songs, video games and movies about NYC.

been to NYC and it was crap. never been to london so can't judge

All the Italians moved out of NYC and into the suburbs with small remnants of Italian NYC still existing here and there

but the 40s mafia...

Irish mafia too

le creature meta terrone...

considering that whenever I go to London I cant wait to get out im gonna say NY

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>jew york

Sounds about right

New York is rightful African, Jewish and Russian clay

>A N G L O

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