CNN says bernie sanders got booed after name dropping MLk JR

So what does Jow Forums think about this thing? Is 2020 going to be end of the liberals and rise of the leftists?

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Other urls found in this thread:

>CNN says

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>CNN says

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The main stream media is trying to decide if they will select Biden or Pete to be the candidate. Everyone else they will destroy, like sanders for example. If you haven’t notice, since he announced his run CNN has given him nothing but negative coverage.

Why is amerimedia so corrupt? Why is the press not free?

The press is free. They are just biased

Why is he still trying to pander to them? They're poison.

Attached: Bernie-Sanders-Black-Lives-Matter-2869-800x533.jpg (800x533, 91K)

Ironically, Bernie's populist rhetoric is probably the Democrats only hope of beating Trump.

no, his name is dirtied with socialism. He doesn’t have a chance. Even with all of the people who hate trump, they would still rather vote for him over sanders.

It's gonna be a tough one. The real question is if the rhetoric around reparations will increase black turnout without having some greater negative effect. I bet it's going to make a great propaganda tool for republicans.

>CNN says

Attached: CNN.webm (1280x720, 2.88M)

Statistics point to Americans being more and more open to Socialism though, and no few polls pointed to a landslide Bernie victory should he run against Trump

Biden would’ve had a good chance if he hadn’t been kissing on people and whatever

What propaganda is this?

yea but he's bad news for what the democratic party represents (corporations)

They'll stab him in the back just like they did in 2016. Democrats need to give up on the blacks and muslims and start only talking about material wealth like Yang is doing.
seriously though, do Americans actually watch this shit propaganda?

CNN staged protest in London after one of the terror attacks to paint muslims as innocent

The black turnout is the difference between winning and losing a presidential election for the Dems. They're the most important group of people when it comes down to it.

>why yes i do play arm chair intellectual on a site populated exclusively by morons, how did you know?

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If there were any russian candidate it would be Bernie and if Bernie won the primary then Trump would without a doubt win his 2nd term

Then basically they're fucked.

The moderator set the tone by asking straight out "What would you do to stop le nazi meme?" at an event for black socialist women. They're staging these debates to fuck over any non-authoritarian candidate, because the real answer to that question (it's not the president's fucking job to police social media) would get the speaker strung up on a tree.

Basically RT but somehow worse
also Chaposhits get BTFO

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It is free. Do t listen to Russian propaganda trying to create a false equivalency between US media (which is mostly biased only in the political commentator shows they host) and state-run propaganda machines

>armchair intellectual

>It is okay when the oligarchy lies
>It is not okay when the state lies

It’s not the majority. And believe it or not, most democrats are not on board with socialism

Yang is a cuck desu

Trump might genuinely be a moron and wholly unfit for presidency but he will win regardless of the democrat nominee.

They only like marching alongside them and anarchists while those two riot in the streets.
>57 percent [of Democrats] say they hold a positive view of socialism, compared with just 47 percent who say the same for capitalism

Eh, there's enough time for the economy to go to shit by November. But the Dems seem hellbent on giving the Republicans as much ammo as possible.


>Democrats need to give up on the blacks and muslims
The only reason they lost last year was because they gave up on minorities.
They need another minority candidate like obama

It's the beginning of the left abandoning identity politics cancer.

If they do, they'll never win a presidential election again. Again, the black turnout is essentially the sole determinant of who wins our presidential elections.

Those are not moderates. The loudest minority get the most attention.
Tbh I think the polls are bs. I’ve never ever been asked to participate in a poll before, and I’ve never met anyone who has either.

Holy shit, those dislikes from angry racists, whining about Bernie getting boo'd.
Honestly, that was such a vague copout answer by Bernie

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>a fucking leaf in charge of American political speculation

Obama won because he persuaded conservative and moderate fence-sitters. Anyone who thinks he was a socialist or a leftist is brain damaged.

Pandering to non-whites is a waste of time and money, and its only result has been to lose elections that Democrats normally would have won by alienating non-cuck white voters and propel psychotic extremists like Ilhan Omar into power.

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>Pandering to non-whites is a waste of time and money

There's no point in pandering to white racists any longer, since they strongly align themselves with republicans.
Democrats need high minority turn out if they want to win again

>Those are not moderates. The loudest minority get the most attention.
As long as the democrats are willing to associate with people whose primary political motivation is the destruction of the state, they are complicit in their treason.

rich coming from the side that protects confederate symbols and statues

The reincorporation of the South was a major triumph and the confederacy has been reincorporated into the national identity. National identities are often strange and contradictory, and those who affirm the confederacy are likely those who believe in the legitimacy of the US at the present moment.

On the other hand, anarchists currently believe the nation to be illegitimate and want to see it destroyed, and they are facilitated in their efforts by the democratic party.

>all white people who don't unconditionally support BLM and radical Islam are racists

Quintessential Canadian post

>supporting minorities mean you unconditionally support BLM and mooslims
Quintessential American post

what the fuck even are the democrats? I mean republicans are basically disabled all the democrats have to do is not be a neo-liberal party who gives lip service to meme social issues and they win.

and bernies accually pretty good
he's not even socialist he just says that shit he's just a centre left person who's policies are basically just generic shit we have here and in europe. Not even scandi level left.

I unironically think Kanye would had a chance against Trump in 2020 if he didn't came out as a magatard.

>all the democrats have to do is not be a neo-liberal party who gives lip service to meme social issues and they win.

And yet.

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I don't think Obama was a bad president, but his mere existence will probably do more harm to he country than any since Jackson. The kind of identity politics forwarded during his presidency has more or less destroyed the chance of a national consciousness ever again existing within our borders, but I still would take it over Republic economic policy during a recession..

>of the nine candidates officially running in the Democratic presidential primary, only one represents the largest American demographic group
lmfao Trump will really last until 2025

conservatives are so fucking bad at running the economy
just want an economically nationalist Keynesian coalition

>Come sit on my apple.

>just want an economically nationalist Keynesian coalition
I wish. The democrats are probably the closest we have to that, but I think most of their constituents believe that providing for "humanity" is more important than providing for the nation.

Redpill me on Bernie. Does he get sponsoring from the banks too?

>Pandering to non-whites is a waste of time and money, and its only result has been to lose elections that Democrats normally would have won by alienating non-cuck white voters and propel psychotic extremists like Ilhan Omar into power.
I don't know what you're saying about democrats snubbing white voters: Hillary literally ran on a campaign of converting the mythical reasonable republican into a democrat and it got her the biggest political failure of my lifetime.

Attached: Trump didn't win this election, Hillary Clinton lost it.jpg (911x629, 57K)

>The Neoliberal Ben Shapiro/Alt-Right Tucker Carlson
>The Social Liberal Clinton-Biden/ Marxist AOC-Sanders split
American politics are shaping up to get fucking interesting

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>Hillary literally ran on a campaign of converting the mythical reasonable republican into a democrat
That's simply not what happened in 2016 m8. It was all an appeal to LGBT and minorities and saying the Republicans were Nazis

>Hillary literally ran on a campaign of converting the mythical reasonable republican into a democrat

By putting this on her campaign website.

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You can say both parties are for corporations, or you can say the GOP (big business party for the last century) is overly corporatist...
But the democrats only? What fucking color is the sky on the planet you’re from?
>every Trump appointee to a government watchdog agency has either been an industry lobbyist, or sued the agency they are now in charge of
>Republ*cuck tax cuts were a trillion-dollar giveaway to corporations
>before Trump it was Halliburton and Bush Tax cuts

What the fuck is going on in Vietnamese international reporting goddam

There's been a split in the economy since the tech boom which explains the corporate interests of each party. The Democrats are supported by the newer players and those who have seen growth since it happened, and the Republicans are supported by established entities that are threatened by these technological developments.

i want to see a a future where donald trump and bernie sanders join forces and suplex clinton and jeb bush

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