
Felipe edition

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she cute

goal bf

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ugly tranny

If there are any girls in here then get 'em out for the lads

Lot of truth in this image. Take heed.

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*notices your tenants*

Who /Oxford/ here?

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apparently, we don't see enough lesbians


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Wow if I have ugly thoughts I become an ugly hook nosed Jew... thanks Roald Dahl!

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another crap yank edition

Girls with boyfriends scare me just from what I've experienced is all

just feel like ending it some days

ah yes, the ol' meal replacement bar
that filled me right up

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My mate saw a girl browsing Jow Forums on the train yesterday but she looked look a tranny so he didn't bother saying anything, wonder if they were browsing /brit/...

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>She wants to revise your cock mate

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Outed yourself as a virgin
Ryan gosling, the virgin incel


most likely /co/ or /tv/

asked at toil what my favourite meal was and i said it was risotto verde

it's actually a massive bowl of pasta shells with half a pack of cheddar cheese melted on top but i thought that would make me sound like a twat

Based homo Romanian

HOW am I a virgin/. I am going to make a move and get pied off I can almost guarantee it.

I've transcended Jay posting. Attitude is self fulfilling prophecy

Brings a smile on face knowing that soon lauren southern will age into an ugly winkled up hag and nobody will give a shit what she thinks about immigrants or race

disgusting reeking brown claws hammered out this post

She's coming to your house to "revise" and you think you can't shag her? Virgin freakism
I thought her boyfriend was a paki or whatever

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she'll get raped and thrown on a refuse pile in some middle-eastern shithole before that happens

havben't had pasta shells in what feels like years
need to have some soon sounds PENG

I love her so much.
Not bent tho.

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by that time boomers would have hired an attractive zoomer to spread dumb as shit capitalist climate change-denying spew
not leftypol btw

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It isn't that simple though you fucking virgin freak. If she wants to do that shit she'll give off signals and I'll do it. But from whats happened before its unlikely. Don't get your knickers in a twist

can just imagine some lad in your office sniggering when you say risotto verde is some nasally gimp voice.

Tranners are a ghey.
source: muh dick

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where's emmett

For me, it's Pengzhen

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God I want to impregnate him.

>In the wake of the election of Prime Minister Carl Benjamin, PMQs consists entirely of questions regarding a tweet he made in 2016 in which he said to Jess Phillips "I wouldn't even rape you"

is that a skyscraper for ants?

Meant the actual girl I'm in love with, but I'd probably shag him after a few though.


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It really is that simple
The fact she's coming over IS the signal now its only a matter of if you mess it up
She's basically half shagged already you just have to close

Maple ridge

the state

Wowooweeeeee I want to fuck him so bad dude

Is he Jewish? Looks a bit like it

What an absolute weapon

she has the perfect cum face if you know what I mean

Once did a poo in the Marco Polo Hotel Shenzhen staff loos

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wonder if the rise of skywalker will be any good

don't think anyone could or would rape jess phillips tbqh

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Trust me mate I want to shag her so bad but I don't want her accusing me of rape like the last time a girl with a boyfriend walked into the shag pad. I actually feel like the time has come to shag her

she looks like the kind of girl who has bad fanny hygiene

imagine being obsessed with someone with no ass, no tits, no hips, and can't even look good in makeup
if you thought of a little boy we will do anything we can to put you in jail

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Is that toilet on the floor?

unfuckable pig

Have sex.

Not keeping my hopes up 2bh
Will be watching the Clone Wars animated series final season when it's released though

because you know toilets hanging on the wall or from the ceiling? baka

yeah its a chinese squat toilet

Good post

is there a fuckable one?

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Nothing wrong with a proper slampig from time to time

i quite like jess phillips



doubt it, jj abrams is an even worse writer than lucas

reckon rey will turn out to be a clone of palpatine or his granddaughter or something

Wish they got Pedro Costa to direct it :(

>have to give up my bedroom and double bed for my visiting brother and his fiance this weekend

absolutely seething ngl

shut up retard

The absolute state of Jow Forums.

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I think she's kinda ugly 2bh m8

reckon they'll wash the sheets for you after they're done?

I caught myself a liarbird

why are mediocre films so popular?

I think she's Peng af mate but I don't think that should give you any political clout.

Where will you and your missus sleep? I don't get it.

Boundless human stupidity

mass appeal

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Why is the average iq so low?

Mate the only time in my life I have ever seen toilets that are just holes in the ground was at a train station in France.

Explain this

left my shagger license at the pub yesterday lads, the thought of some runt finding it and gaining access to the shagger clubs gives me the shivers

Just ring up the Ministry of Shagging and tell them to cancel it. Not worth the risk mate.


i'm not made of money lad

Top 5 countries of all time:
Joint first: England & France
3. China
4. Portugal
5. Japan

we call them Turkish toilets. Big fan, me

cretins at toil making folders using dd/mm/yyyy format again
time for another group email i'm thinking
complete with screenshots of the correct date formatting to be used
and a gentle reminder not to respond with reply all
perhaps with another screenshot of the reply button with a green tick next to it and a reply all button with a red cross next to it

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baffling list
give your head a wobble, Spiros

holy shit

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