1).-/ ur cunt

1).-/ ur cunt
2).-/ does it make and shape good mathematicians ?


Attached: fields.png (552x559, 156K)

Are other countries even trying?

we're trying

Attached: 15515555220360.jpg (576x516, 43K)

For the pop yes

>Belgium has 1 per 5 675 000 people
>Finland has 1 per 5 500 000 people

Attached: 1407151717184.png (640x400, 36K)

based USA, France and Russia

>France has 1 per 5 150 000

Attached: 1451319023494.jpg (283x424, 24K)

here is the actual list

Attached: file.png (1794x696, 117K)

Finland has one (1) so fuck you and your whore mother

Attached: 1556087796633.gif (662x488, 1.39M)

fuck i can already hear the swedes coming in this thread
fuck off swedes

Attached: svensson.jpg (1289x862, 120K)

Also both of them are wallonian and flanders is a weight on our hanging from our leg so we actually have 1 per 2million people if you thnk about it

If you think about it they’re both French so actually Belgium has none

Based rattachist finn

i'm surprised south korea doesn't have any


Laurent Schwartz - Jew
Ngô Bảo Châu - Vietnamese
Artur Avila - Brazilian
Wendelin Werner - German
Alexander Grothendieck - Half Jew/ Half German

Most of the asian countries (although it's especially a thing for SEA countries) focus on applied mathematics for engineering purposes, while France does a lot more in the abstract of mathematics.
So what you're saying is that even with your cherrypicking, we have more than Germany ?

Apparently not

>the last US medal is slightly shifted to the right so that it looks like they're actually #1 above France

Grigori Perelman (Refused)
Based as fuck

lol, we actually have one, I am surprised by this

but pretty much this

>the smartest Germans want to be French
oh no no no no no

Damn (((we))) are in the club. Also based Martin Hairer.

We are only good at chemisty

also in chess

Gary Kasparov was jew tho

Attached: 1555681144664.png (300x283, 29K)

jew and also russofob


Attached: fields medals.png (572x432, 26K)

It corelates a lot with amount of jews in these countries

we had some logicians and functional analysts back in the 30s

modern mathematics is shit anyways with the level of usefulness and abstraction similar to philosophy

Add the two Belgian guys then, they're ethnically French

france so good it makes even third worlders good

how come i'm bad at maths then?
boom, btfo
where's your science now nerd shits?

why do you make this thread every day

Asians are npc. They can't think outside of the box.

>70% of the top 3's medals should actually go to Israel
just as I thought

double based

>my country was at one point more attractive to Jewish mathematicians than yours

No need to seethe, whichever country you are

LMAO British Hong Kong getting robbed.
China did not produce any medalist.

Attached: 1200px-Flag_of_Hong_Kong_(1959–1997).svg.png (1200x600, 83K)

How many of those american winners are Hungarian and Polish?

>are Hungarian and Polish

I know Russia can be much better and it has more potential than this whole list.
I'm not surprised finns are stupid retards, literally subhumans.


Like 1/4 are Jews you Slav subhuman

People think that mathematics are boring and evil, while the government is pushing for homeopathy and removing funds for actual science and scientific research.
Which is sad because 40% of the mathematicians here from europe and the mexicans one don't get any support despite being good at their job.
