What if

It doesnt matter what coin you're buying, who's the team or what the fuck its supposed to do.
What if all that matters is volume and the charts?
What if whales have no loyalty whatsoever to any coin or team in specific, and they will jump from one to other like bitches jump from cock to cock.
What if we all know this to be true yet we constantly lie about it to bring in more suckers to the game, this project bla bla this team bla bla. Numbers, is all it is and all that matters

Attached: 1517369249264.jpg (1600x1067, 1.1M)

A whale logs in on Binance. Time to do some trading.
>Hmm this coin looks tasty, nice red candles time to buy.
Doesnt even check the project, doesnt give a fuck. Other whales join in
>+20% in half an hour
meanwhile brainlets discussing what the coin does or an upcoming announcement or whatever
>whale doesnt give a fuck he made his 20% time to move to the next one

Isn't this what you'd do if you were a whale? What the fuck is this coin, doesnt matter cause you and your whale friends can pump it, the masses will take care of discussing the fundamentals of the coin after buying your pump, cause they have to shill it to sell it even higher. You dont care about all that, you are whale and you can bring the shittiest of coins in top 500 to top 100 with your friends, all you suckers will make your best to make it look like a good project, even when you know it sucks.

bump faggots. Is this shit im saying too uncomfortable? You really believe in sergey and your linkies?

What an ugly fucking city.

Bunch of shit tier glass buildings with a giant glass dick in the middle. 0/10.

Just buy the red candels and put a 2% stop loss with an 0.1% lower ask and you're golden. Only a RUBE would look into a coin's """fundamentals""" instead of looking at the red candels. You din't have to be a whale, you just have to focus your attention where it matters: on the red candels.

hey thats gook style, i just picked a random img from my folder

but does it matter if you are buying RCN red candles, VET red candles or ICX red candles?

All that matters is that the red candel's bottom rests on an ATL.

everyday i buy more RCN cuz it's at all time low
in sats and USD
but each day it makes a new all time low
wtf is wrong with this coin

but that happens once every loong time, if i waited for ATL i wouldnt be looking to exit after a measly 5-10% id stay for a 2x.
There's also this

>the tech doesn't matter

there are still people on this board who don't get this. sad.

yeah i dont know who's dumping that much, each sell has to be someone selling at a loss since this is not minable and its never been cheaper but in ico, and those who got in the ico have unloaded a long time ago. Market's fucked up

all i see is people buying and selling numbers, 90% of people involved in crypto have NO clue of how any of this works. People are like this is the future of money this shit is going to 10++ trillion market but it could be delusion, YOU DONT KNOW IT. Many people are making bank with the uncertainty and maybe thats all there is to this new 'revolutionary' tech, an uncertainty that could last years and then fades into obscurity, leaving all you idiots holding numbers while the smart ones have their bank account loaded with actual spendable currency

i lose lots in RCN
ppl here say it's a good project
but all it ever does it go down
if i had bought ZRX or BNB instead, i could've had 10x as much RCN as i do today. big opportunity cost there

do you think this guy gives a shit about what RCN does? he bought X amount at Y price for the only reason to sell for Y+Z to another, same reason as 100% of people are buying. Dont pretend otherwise
i dont know man, just hold till the alt run whenever it comes i guess. You'll make your initial back

Yes user, you get it and none of this is unique to crypto, now you need to go and figure out what the real features are

OP is pretty stupid. This is the state of Jow Forums: pure idiocy followed by agreement instead of refutation.

OP, if a whale did they would not stay a whale for long. It's basically gambling on whether other whales will get in, and one whale is always buying in at the top...

yes, the next 'big thing', the next jump in blockchain tech. Chainlink, EOS, XRP, all this people shilling their bags. Do you realize how easy it is to fool ignorant people? Specially with technicals. Coins already in the billions, you just have to get 'the one' by DYOR am i right? see how easy is to keep this wheel going? while everyone is figuring this shit and chasing the next pump miners and traders are cashing out millions every day. So who's the smart guy?

they didnt get to be whales by buying tops user.
Also you imply whales dont network and coordinate. Its a money game, thats all there it is to this market. The tech is the excuse to just trade money for trading's sake, since conventional markets are not as easy to enter, nor as profitable

>the masses
Don't mean anything. 90% of crypto is owned by whales. The pumps are just venus fly traps laid by whales to drawn in fools.

If you somehow couldnt trade your crypto for real cash anymore due to whatever reason, everyone knows this market would die. You can try fool newfags and brainlets all you want, anyone thats been on this market more than a year knows this and its only in it to cash out some day. This adoption you people are hoping for.. not gonna happen. You cant price things in deflationary crypto alone, you have nothing to measure against but fiat. Its literally the measure of your holdings worth.
The only thing that could maybe happen is countries moving their currencies to a blockchain of their own, but it would never have a cap on supply and it would be stable unlike crypto.
Its funny you call me stupid when everyone knows this is pure speculation and you cant have any serious or real economy backed by this crap. ANYONE telling you otherwise has a vested interest in it cause he is currently holding some crypto therefore you can never know if he's being honest or just deluded

You still don't get it do you.

I used to live in the buildings on the farthest left of OP's picture.

>muh decentralization
>muh no third parties
except 90% of volume is centralized in a few exchanges, 95% of people dont even own their keys and they cash out through third parties, and a conglomerate of miners and whales control most networks

Still not quite there. Its ok buddy, you'll see someday.

>You really believe in sergey and your linkies?
yup,get reked fudder.ever selling

gets it