CL 1K EOY Confirmed


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We gonna get fucked in the short run aren't we?

Just stop thinking about it. Stop browsing biz. Stop checking binance. Go live your life. Come back in 5 years. Retire.

I'm with you

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You know we all would if we weren't obsessed with making it friend

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>Listening to a literal cuck
>He thinks he's gonna make it
Can't wait for 1000k suicides eoy

I way too interested in crypto and the tech to just walk away for a couple years

only retards say this, this space changes every day, it's fucking retarded to not pay attention and you'll never make it, unless you are holding a good amount of btc

>I’m in it for the tech

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I'm 29 and probably won't even be alive in 5 years. I need this shit to get to $1000 by end of 2019 at the earliest!

Same here. I have brain cancer.

Don't get me wrong I'm totally in it for the money as well, id love to pay off my debts and never have to worry about cash, but the the tech is the reason I don't sell at the first hint of danger. I'm in it for the long run baby

Also how tf do you join the official ChainLink telegram

I'm a lonely wagecuck. Pretty much the same thing.

Nevermind I literally just googled it and found it

but i NEED THIS NOW! i cant go 5 years user, this shit has ruined me. this is why its not luck, suffering through this shit. could you really wait 5 years knowing you would be a millionaire? the answer is no you cant. you cant do it man, the mental strain is to hard

chill brotha, if you're not holding shitcoins you only have to wait 2019

Eoy just got 10 years longer !!

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1000 WHAT???
1000 WHAT???

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1000 big macs


How much to retire in 5 uears and ill happily leave and focus on caring for my dad who is constantly in and out of hospitals. My financial situation is limited right now yet everyone keeps calling for the singulatity "tonight" every fucking night. I have 35k. How much more to retire?

1000 shits

That works. Big macs cost more than a dollar in the US. Just bulk sell them to them to the 25 morbidly guys across the street at a discounted price.

If you have brain cancer start eating a bulb of garlic per day (organic). And you'll be fine.

If you take chemo you'll be fucked

Yeah... I'm still considering chemo
I haven't heard about garlic solving anything. I'll look into it

Look into garlic oil

Believing in garlic instead of chemo ia natural selection at this point

I've also heard of hydrogen peroxide being used as a way to treat cancer. May want to look into that one as well

chemo is retard tier therapy
>hurrr let's inject people with substances that cause DNA damage so that we can damage the cancerous cell's DNA to the point that they can no longer replicate

If i had cancer i would just pray to jesus so i dont go to hell and outright die in peace idc about dying

I would never do all that chemo bullshit

>garlic oil is the cure to cancer.
user i know chemo is a giant money making scam but if there was a way to cure cancer safetly and cheaply people would know about it by now.


There is its called the Max Gerson Therapy developed in the 1940's. Go buy a juicer preferrably the Omega J8006. Godspeed user and seriously look up the information.

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research chemo+methadone for brain tumors, a lot of success stories evidently.

Going on Jow Forums is the only way I feel emotions anymore.

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My dad survived brain cancer that was pretty much a death sentence with a special diet. It was gross as shit and it also involved flaxseed oil and cottage cheese, but he's alive. Think it was this user's diet also organic fresh foods have to quit all sugar and processed shit for at least a few years.

Don't give up man the fight isn't over. Reconsider chemo, don't rule it out but we did radiation+ the diet and he made it. Not saying it will be the same for you but that was our experience. Godspeed user.

Keto. Tumors feed on glucose.

lol biz medicine is hilarious but this is the first time i've seen biz treat cancer. For anyone who might be interested you treat cancer differently depending on where it first originated
This is because the mutated genes and speed of growth depend all on the original mutated cells. The treatments for primary central nervous system (CNS) lymphoma differ greatly from say colorectal cancer that has metastasized to your brain.