I give up. This market is completely rigged. Last 50 trades resulted in loss. Every single thing I touch went down and I got stopped out. Completely irrelevant if I buy the dip or buy in an uptrend.
Those stuck in an equilibrium will run out of steam. This shit desperately needs end.
Think about it, you have coins getting mentioned by Coinbase and they're all getting hammered. If this was 2017 things would be very different. Let that sink in.
Same it has me nearly suicidal because I may have to enter the workforce if shit doesn't change soon.
Ryan Bell
At least you get stopped out. My trades always blow right past the stop loss point as soon as I buy them.
Liam Nelson
Buy BEFORE announcement, sell them during. Try it that way
Blake Young
>buys in a bear market >mad he loses money
Austin Turner
Lincoln Rodriguez
unless you're a skilled trader who knows what the fuck they're doing, just buy and hold. You are guaranteed to lose otherwise if you try and day trade.
Colton Carter
First thing first, user. How long did you spend paper trading to test and refine your system before going live? What was your win:loss ratio? On your wins, were you at least 2:1? What time scale are you trading? Are you locking in on break even price with half your position and trailing profits after that? Are you trading in the direction of the trend? What are your entry and exit conditions? Where are you setting your stop loss?
Here's the reality, user: most aspiring traders fail, and the big reasons most of them fail are (1) they haven't developed/aren't sticking to a rigorously tested trading plan; (2) account size is too small, meaning to make worthwhile profits you try hunting for big swings instead of taking smaller %gains of easy money; (3) you're failing to appropriately manage risk.
Truth: If you start with at least a $10k account, risk no more than 1% of your account per trade, are autistically using a rigorously tested system that over thousands of trades in different market conditions produced a win% of >55%, set stop losses appropriately to cut a loser before it gets ugly, and lock in profits at break even... You will trade profitably. It may not be get lambo rich quick profitable, but the reality is that successful traders over time act like casinos rather than head hunters.
Tyler Smith
So his only problem is that he set a stop loss?
Logan Johnson
Too many knee-jerks prevent adequate stop losses, its getting extremely difficult to adjust
Hope those trips do not lead you to such a path.
Risk/Reward ratio is pitiful and on top of that the amount of positive news pushed out in in the last 3 months would've been reflected in charts
David Parker
git gud
Joshua Turner
Most of my trades are up to~5% of my stack on exchanges. I do lock in profit in increments and usually go conservative and sell at a break even point leaving the rest for further potential.
Sticking to an original trading plan has burned me more often in the past 3 months, changes actually saved me from huge dumps, that almost went beyond my stop loss.
The market trend is leaning against me and while I see an increase in opportunity, the sentiment is just not there.
Caleb Ross
You know that less that 10% of crypto "traders" make a profit right?
Justin Johnson
Those kind of statistics, assuming you didn't just pull it out of your ass, are misleading due to the fact that most traders are simply mindless retards who would be too stupid to see failure coming let alone make a thread like this.
Sebastian Edwards
I’m a brainlet who trades occasionally and bought 2 projects that 100x this year and several others that did well too. The secret is don’t fucking buy tokens or anything ahillled here. You get what you deserve if you listen to this
Christian Diaz
How can you tell what's a token and what isn't? Do some exchanges make it clear?
Dominic Phillips
100% chance you own mostly tokens. Almost everything posted here is a token and not a coin. Smart contracts are currently memes and aren’t going to take off yet. Right now tokens are just a way to raise money. Some times they make everyone money. Mostly they fail. The only legitimate use of blockchain at this point is privacy coins. Real privacy coins. Not dash. Not verge. There are 3/4 maybe 5 really good projects that will 100% make you rich in the next few years
Camden Perry
Best swing trading advice I have heard was in, I think, a youtube video I watched on how to use the CCI indicator. I think the video applied mainly to forex trading. Anyway, the advice is very simple: Trade WITH the trend of the market. That means if the thing you want to trade is in a confirmed long term bear market, all your trades should be shorts (or puts). If in bull market, all trades should be longs/calls/warrants etc. Doing the opposite puts you at a statistical disadvantage and dramatically shrinks your margin for error.
Crypto is still very much in a bear market for the time being. BTC might have made a bullish reversal recently but the trend isn't strong yet.
Owen Baker
>BTC might have made a bullish reversal recently but the trend isn't strong yet.
To expand on this, I'd like to see BTC break 10k and hold it for at least a week or two before calling bull market status.
Isaiah Hall
William Evans
It’s one thing when your a degenerate day trader and it’s another when you gamble in a bear market expecting positive returns.
Camden Cruz
>day trading cryptos go back to your /smg/ containment thread
>How long did you spend paper trading to test and refine your system before going live? he didn't do this at all, but of course he'll say the game is rigged. new to Jow Forums?
Gavin Lewis
Time in the market vs timing the market. One of these is objectively a better strategy than the other.