Are they German?

Are they German?

Attached: Flag_of_the_Netherlands.png (320x213, 343)

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Yes, but we lack the well known german autism and are greedy jews instead.

We couldn't farther from Germans in customs and culture, we are completely different. Thats like Saying spanish and Italians are the same because they both speak a latin language.

Their language is almost "halfway" between German and English.

t. native English speaker who studied German and can kind of understand Dutch

>we lack the well known german autism
You really think that?
They are just as german as belgians are dutch: very. They will deny but let them.

we are of german blood, not germans

Attached: willem-van-oranje.jpg (1068x534, 51K)

No, but they're Germanic.

>We couldn't farther from Germans in customs and culture, we are completely different.

>Wilhelmus van Nassouwe
ben ik, van Duitsen bloed

Actually we are Frankish

why do they always do this?

They're french

Yet dutch is a language that sounded very german not so long ago. There's people here lying about being 1/4th french though to seem exotic.

What happened, vowel shift?


Does this sound German to you?

yes it does

They are low germans, the bulk of germans are high germans

Northern Germany used to be low German too, high German just became the standard language so low German is only spoken in the Netherlands nowadays

>dvw beetje nederlands leerde
>dvw ik meer gesproken duits dan nederland kan verstaan

i stopped learning your shitty language too. the sentence word order autism is too much for me.

They have more in common with denmark than they do with germany desu.

Are you Greek?

no they don't.
Germany, Holland, and even England are closer to each other than either of the three are to Denmark, which is a Northern Germanic country and thus closer to the other Scandis

linguistically sure.
but the UK is more similar to the Rep of Ireland in terms of as a place to live
Netherlands to denmark.

How about Belgium?

flat lands arr rook same
but the NL is like our succesful Chad big brother

i think catholicism makes belgians a lot less tidy and gezellig oriented than the dutch.

wallonia seems similar to the north of england because of its industrial history. vlanderen seems like a much less comfy version of netherlands

I dislike that we are named Germany. I'd prefer EC-Prussia or something. It is a tad retarded with not all "german" nations in it. Its like calling Russia "Slavland",just because its the most populous slavic country.

Are we EC-Prussia? The HRE heart-Lands? This is Hard. Even Saudi Arabia is SAUDI Arabia. Arabia that is ruled by the Saudis, aknowledging other arab Lands that are not ruled by them.

Eh, unsure about that.
>t. Flensburg.

Its only England and Italy caling us that, you cant blame us for their autism

Deutschland is similar, I mean the language is Deutsch and there is the Deutsch Schweiz etc.

Germans but actually succeeded in creating a country without destroying it within 50 years.

>belgians are dutch

are belgians dutch? i thought even the flemish were essentially north french

Franks were a Germanic tribe, retard.

True, Germans are actually Dutch in denial.

What's that? Germany is a made up country and german is not a real nation.

Yes, why do you think they are called "Dutch"? Its from Dietsc, just a lowland dialect version of Deutsch.

Don't forget the handful of Saxons and Frisians who were JUST LIKE THE FRANKS Germanic. Retard.

they are closer to us anglos genetically and they act like us but look more like germs

he looks like a Moroccan

Germans are more greedy than Jews.
