>don't fomo in
>what goes up must come down
Tell me..... is this rule must be followed or did I get fuckked? The price keeps rising...
>don't fomo in
>what goes up must come down
Tell me..... is this rule must be followed or did I get fuckked? The price keeps rising...
Who cares if you buy in at 0.33,$1.50 or 0.20. $1000 eoy
Hurry up and buy now now now mate! Fuck! What are you doing with your life?!
>what goes up must come down
It seems you're confusing the monetary value of digital assets with the theory of gravity. Don't worry, it happens to the best of us.
hi Dhalsim & Pajeet
>Who cares if you buy in at 0.33,$1.50 or 0.20
linkies are literally this retarded
Wait until 3500 sats
Don't fuck with Dhalsim. Even Bison is afraid of him.
Just fucking wait it will go down.
fomo or die
>Just fucking wait it will go down.
not happening
Alts just finished capitulating, just wait it out user and they'll get fucked again in due time with daddy BTC ETF news.
I can't fuckin handle this . Why does it not drop
fomo or die
you had months
new era
marketing director
announces starting
rule 1
never sell
Remember when we said only iron hands will make it? Remember when we warned against swing trading?
That was from experience in previous moon missions. You could have listened. The True Link Marines are the most noble, humble biznessmen. Good luck user. I would say I hope it comes down for your sake because my hands are strong. But then you won’t learn.
God damnit I have learned
lol get fucked swinger
buy or get reked
you are how some people who could have owned 1000 eth ended up holding 7. exactly you
>Remember when we said only iron hands will make it? Remember when we warned against swing trading?
rule 1
never sell
Chainlink is a cult and I wish it was a suicide cult
senpai I'm ready to learn, b-but I don't want to lose more than 10%. Get it back to 3500 sats.
>suicide cult
Soon enough.
Why do people say shit like this? If it drops, you're going to wait to see if it drops more and not buy at 3500, then miss the pump again.
>1 year later
>still waiting for dip
>Link is now $1200
>hen glad I didn't but at $0.35 instead of $0.25
Not this time. This is my second time I got cucked, After the first time I didn't touched it for months, but now I will eternally follow the rule 1.
getting pumped then dumped is bad for your self worth user.
what goes down, must come up