News from Brazil

Yesterday Bolsonaro said that it's cool if you want to come here and fuck a woman (sex tourism), just don't be gay, please. Legit.

Has this ever happened anywhere in the world? I can't picture Trump, Shinzo Abe or any other leader saying that. Maybe Duterte?

Attached: Bolsonaro de óculos.jpg (1620x1080, 352K)

Other urls found in this thread:ão_Paulo_violence_outbreak

L is for the way you look at me
O is for the only one I see
V is very, very extraordinary
E is even more than anyone that you adore can

Attached: carlos-bolsonaro-primo-leo-indio.jpg (650x420, 100K)

I will fuck Felipe to save Democracy.

>News from Brazil

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Will he ever come out of the closet?

sex tourism is an important industry, you faglover

gay sex tourism could be even more important tho

Based and redpilled

Attached: fag moe.jpg (844x810, 95K)

How did Bolsonaro turn out to be such a cuck?

He always was. Brazilian "nationalism" is basically submission to the US at this point. Like, he was saying he would be ok with US military bases here when the US didn't even ask for it.

He was always a cuck for the US.

how so, wanting foreigner with giant cocks to satisfy your women doesn't make you into a cuck, you are just giving your woman what she truly desire

Brazilian girls are made for the EURO cock

when will you guys apply for statehood and join us?

>foreigner with giant cocks
more like 60 yo boomers with cash money

still bigger than the average brazilian incel

My neighbor used to go to fortaleza.

it's usually 50yo Italian/German guys for some reason

He probably fucks underage crack addict girls

That's the vibe I get from old Italian tourists here


What if I come for Felipe?

Nothing wrong with that.

>cool if you want to come here and fuck a woman
The man is a saint !!!
God how based he is.

I have no clue about his local politics, but all I know is that he does not like criminals, pussy attitude towards crime and political correctness.


Attached: 02_bolsonaro_upp_cdd_rep_ri-5715503.jpg (700x470, 52K)

Thank you Brazil for Bolsobased,bolsofunny the memes he creates enlighten my heart.

Attached: br jail.jpg (1890x1299, 453K)

He made PNR suck Brazilian cock

how fun is that? really

>he does not like criminals

His family doesn't like drug dealers. But they like "milícias", which is a kind of Rio de Janeiro mafia whose members are usually cops/ex-cops who do the same things drug dealers, but are not called drug dealers for some reason.

Some years ago he even said that the Rio mafia should be legalized, because they kill only bad guys.

That is not really good, but you guys have a real ''shit show'' there with all the crime .

I think I read somewhere ( don't remember if it was real or fiction) about government mission to pay 2 criminal gangs . They each did not know that the other gang is supported from the government too. So they let them grow and kill all other criminal groups so there was only 2. Police now knew ALL the criminal underworld so they just instigated a war between the groups and arrested the surviving gang.

Sounds fictional , but i think it was based on something!

It's bulltshit.

This faggot is a fucking liar.

>His family doesn't like drug dealers. But they like "milícias", which is a kind of Rio de Janeiro mafia whose members are usually cops/ex-cops who do the same things drug dealers, but are not called drug dealers for some reason.

Kkkkkkkkkk Vai tomar no cu, macaco. Vai mesmo ficar mentindo para estrangeiros?

You read wrong.

I'll explain how the 2 main criminal organanizations, PCC and CV were born

PCC (First Commando of the Capital) was born after a massacre in a São Paulo jail back in the 90s, as a protection network for criminals. It spread to the whole country because of a dumb policy of transferring prisoners to other states. Now it's present even in other South American countries.

CV (Red Commando) was born when the dictatorship put political prisoners (Guerrilla fighters) with common criminals. The political prisoners then taught guerrilla warfare to the common criminals. CV stronghold is Rio de Janeiro, but it's also present in other parts of the country and in Paraguay.

What you're referring to is an alleged agreement between the Government of São Paulo and PCC, a kind of peace deal. This happened back in the 2006, when PCC stopped São Paulo with wave after wave of attacks.

The city literally stopped. Then the governor is said to have made an agreement with PCC's boss, Marcola, to stop the generalized violence.ão_Paulo_violence_outbreak

Your country is a dumb joke

>The city literally stopped. Then the governor is said to have made an agreement with PCC's boss, Marcola, to stop the generalized violence.

This is fake news. Bullshit. Again.

These guys are Bolsonaro shills, so they will say anything bad about Bolsonaro is a lie.

Even though it's all documented. They even ignore the fact that his son Flávio literally awarded militia members who were in Jail, and employed militia members and their family.

They don't even try to hide it, but for some reason these morons keep insisting it's all fake news.

whiter than you, ahmed

São Paulo didn't stop? Isn't there rumours that there was an agreement between the governor of São Paulo and Marcola? Why are you fucking lying bro.


Seriously though, your country has become even more of a joke now with your retarded president.

>gay sex tourism is a topic in Brazil
just lol

out of curiosity, did Bolsonaro's remarks about Nazis being leftists and about the Holocaust being forgivable become news in Germany?

essa história aí é verídica?

>Even though it's all documented. They even ignore the fact that his son Flávio literally awarded militia members who were in Jail, and employed militia members and their family.

Fuck off, leftist shill. He never awarded militia members, he just congratulated a guy who killed a thug.

>and employed militia members and their family.

Wow, fake news. Again. It was the mother of some guy, and nothing more. Kill yourself, fag.

Just rumors from your fucking asshole. It's not true.

So what?

The mother, the sister, the whole pack wow

>He never awarded militia members, he just congratulated a guy who killed a thug

A criminal who happened to kill the competition, such bravery.

That's like awarding al-nusra for killing ISIS.

Yes. He literally talked about in public, using the third person. He is just not allowed to admit it, because of you-know-what. "Everyone" knows this. They live together.

But well, his father is a populist, and the masses can't be in the know, of course.

I wish I could care

cute guard

gay sex is a state policy in germany

Latin America looks like a comfy place to settle after nukes start flying to Pakistan.

>A criminal who happened to kill the competition, such bravery.

He just congratulated the guy, he didn't know the guy, stupid leftist

Eu tenho ignorado qualquer notícia que passe pelo sensacionalismo que vem ocorrendo pelos dois lados, acho que esse governo pode trás coisas boas, mas não acho que vai ser o melhor ou que será umas mil maravilhas, mas isso aí faz eu me arrepender de não ter acompanhado esse bate boca de vizinhas, melhor que plot twist de tragédia grega :v

He "employed" the guy's family

but didn't know him

how fucking gullible are you?

Who gives a fuck? He is brazilian faggot in germany.

I dunno, I don't click articles about your silly country and president. There's some every now and then.

Yeah and they all get cheap flights to the #1 gay sex tourism country, Brazil. Huehueheu.

Duterte has similar allegations against him.
Putin is rumored to have some say in criminal underworld (funny how during Russian football world cup there where no Russian hooligans. And suddenly there are a lot of Russian criminals operating in Eastern Ukraine )
Japan has odd relations with Yakuza. They even openly advocate for a political candidate that Yakuzas like .

IF Bolsonaro is caught supporting a single gang while eliminating others ... will that mean his political demise ?
Hasn't he done more than other Brazilian presidents to stem the gang problem?

Maybe that is the only way!?

Read about PEPES and ''Bloque de Búsqueda'' ...baaaaad people did bad things to get rid of Escobar and succeeded

You guys are forgetting that trannies are just women with dicks. So everything is fine.

Felipe is a grey zone tho

>come and fuck our women
no thanks

As long as he doesn’t get breast implants it’s okay.

>.baaaaad people did bad things to get rid of Escobar and succeeded

Fun fact: because of Bolsonaro we had a Colombian minister of education for until a couple of weeks ago, and he praised Escobar