pic related is the open letter from the shooter
it reads like an amerimutt poster
pic related is the open letter from the shooter
it reads like an amerimutt poster
Other urls found in this thread:
Is it true?
why are white folks like this
he's not even white
Christ how embarrassing.
yup he made a post on 8ch*n before the shooting where he linked the manifesto
pastebin. com /VXXFQMTW
oh for fucks sake
why can't these Jow Forums autists just play europa universalis and watch autistic youtubers during their edgy racist phase like the rest of us
A large proportion of Jow Forums (8/pol/ especially) users are borderline schizophrenics who think that the memes they are posting are 100% true.
I have an autistic dislike of sunglasses. I hate the way that they obscure peoples' eyes. People think I'm an idiot for squinting when it's bright out, but I refuse to wear them.
this, my BLACK gaelic brother has been posioned by the m*ttistanti mindset
At least the Christchurch Crusader had the fucking intelligence to avoid larping and actually wrote a fairly enjoyable read. This is just pathetic.
>another “mug ancestors” with no accomplishments of his own
Typical white behavior desu
>To the glow-niggers and Jewed-media reading this. I think it is important for you to know that I did not do this alone. I had the help of a man named Felix Arvid Ulf Kjellberg. He was kind enough to plan and fund this whole operation—the sly bastard. Apparently, Pewdiepie hates Jews as much as Pajeets.
He wrote all that crusader history meme shit on the gun.
delete this board
>tfw you’ll never be a chad Swede billionaire playing vidya all day and making incels so jealous they commit mass murder to falseflag you
fuck the left
fuck kikes
fuck niggers
and fuck muslims
>shoots up right wing synagogue to fuck with "the left"
Your third world mind is showing.
I don't know if they're autistic or just want to fuck with the poodipie man
either way would be good if his garbage channel finally got deleted that unfunny fuck has had his day
>I am a man of European ancestry
This kind of lines always crack me up!
Nazi retards are leftists.
it's OK m8s Jow Forums got it all figured it out, it was MOSSAD all over again false flagging
>right wing synagogue
a kike will always be a kike
>Implying that wasn’t unironically based
Anyways, there is a difference between allusions to historical fascist movements/Christian fights with Islamic armies and going “Guise I’m literally Nordic (and Irish too lol).” I doubt he thought he was literally Romanian when he sketched down that Archangel Michael cross.
You are NOT white
>Every Jew is responsible for the meticulously planned genocide of the European race. They act as a unit, and every Jew plays his part to enslave the other races around him—whether consciously or subconsciously. Their crimes are endless. For lying and deceiving the public through their exorbitant role in news media; for using usury and banks to enslave nations in debt and control all finances for the purpose of funding evil; for their role in starting wars on a foundation of lies which have costed millions of lives throughout history; for their role in cultural Marxism and communism; for pushing degenerate propaganda in the form of entertainment; for their role in feminism which has enslaved women in sin; for causing many to fall into sin with their role in peddling pornography; for their role in voting for and funding politicians and organizations who use mass immigration to displace the European race; for their large role in every slave trade for the past two-thousand years; for promoting race mixing; for their cruel and bloody history of genocidal behavior; for their persecution of Christians of old (including the prophets of ancient Israel—Jeremiah, Isaiah, etc.), members of the early church (Stephen—whose death at the hands of the Jews was both heart-wrenching and rage-inducing), Christians of modern-day Syria and Palestine, and Christians in White nations; for their degenerate and abominable practices of sexual perversion and blood libel (you are not forgotten Simon of Trent, the horror that you and countless children have endured at the hands of the Jews will never be forgiven); for not speaking about these crimes; for not attempting to stop the members of their race from committing them. And finally, for their role in the murder of the Son of Man—that is the Christ. Every Jew young and old has contributed to these. For these crimes they deserve nothing but hell.
This is your mind on Jow Forums
So did he actually manage to kill someone?
That's a mind of based