I'm thinking of going to the Republic of China to learn Chinese

I'm thinking of going to the Republic of China to learn Chinese.

Any advice?

Attached: taiwan-map-flag-2.jpg (1205x1645, 72K)

No, but have a bump.

Attached: peruvian expat in taiwan.jpg (1142x593, 127K)

>Any advice?
do you happen to like quakes and typhoons?

MTC is nice, I studied there

Going to Toronto or British Columbia would cost way less than going to Taiwan.

>Moving to a country before learning the language

it's pretty nice actually
I didn't know a single word before I went there

Taiwan : China :: ISIS : Iraq

Get into Taiwanese cinema, watching films from acclaimed directors like Edward Yang, Hou Hsiao-hsien, and Tsai Ming-liang will help you learn the language and its national identity.

Attached: Yi Yi rain.webm (1280x692, 2.99M)

I'd fuck that girl.