How ur beard look like user?
How ur beard look like user?
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don't have one
i don't have, but if i had it would look something like this
Like the soyboy wojak beard
I shave it otherwise I look like Charles Manson
Allahu Akbar
Asianfag here
Plz rate
3 day stubble master race
Very handsome, I'm the guy in the middle
Future Asian chad bro
I whis I have a good beard instead of this mutt Shit
QT Beards. Beards are not authorized (exception in paragraph unless for medical reasons, when authorized by a commander on the advice of a medical official.
I had a blonde beard but the Viking larp wasn't worth the maintenance, it was annoying as fuck to get food in it and have hair in my mouth
ill just stay clean shaven
are those grayhairs?
Sorry bro
Great beard
i don't want one
Are you a white whore or something
how old are you
only 22 lol
Look at that Beard
I'm Asian and I'm much more patchier but I believe that if I grow it long enough it will look nice
Most Asian hobos have epic beards
Are you the guy with the man bun?
looks bad when it's all overgrown on the neck
that's nice thx fren
You don’t look Asian
Not able to grow one and I’m on my 20s, life sucks
no bully
no problemo
i feel for you
looks like shit
aiming to something like
I have to shave the neckbeard pretty often ortherwise it fuses with my chest hair
I shaved it all off literally five minutes ago. Figured it's time for a change.
My face feels like I slept on barbed wire for a pillow, I immediately remembered why I had a beard in the first place.
You come from the Atlantic coast, don't you ?
Yeah cuz we all look the same.
i wanna kiss you