North américa édition
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واش تاكلو في رمضان؟
بلدي pic related
For me this is morocco
I like it with peas and olive oil more than raisins.
Looks delicious.
who else doesn't fast ramadan?
Hiya my fellow phoenician, egyptian and berber bros
Hey Rezian
Hello egyptian wanna burn a mosque
Can we also kick the turks and arabs out of your country ?
>Hello egyptian wanna burn a mosque
Yeah sure. That one near me makes a lot of noise
Good i'll grab the guns and bombs
I wish, Themistoklis. I don't even hate arabs or turks, i just hate how berber culture and language are slowly going extinct.
Yeah i agree i'm also mad about how my people are mind controlled christians who worship a fucking semite on a stick
why are there no yemeni posters, yet the board is swarming with syrians? Did the war destroy the infrastructure, or is worse than africa and nothing was built in the first place?
They're dying of hunger, thanks to the saudi faggots
This. Saudis and the kikes are the same.
>swarming with syrians
It's only one guy
Why yes, i am saudi. How did you know?
Does paganism still exist in Greece?
For me, it's تمر هندي
Yes technically
oh no no no
There is only one Syrian.
Yemen still stuck in the 1980s
T. Seething muzzle
Yemenis have always lived like prehistoric tribes. I am not memeing.
>تمر هندي
اول مرة نسمع بهذا شراب، شكرا على معلومة
مشهور عندكم في مصر ولا غير فئة قليلة لي تشربو؟
How much are they? How is it practiced and what are the society views about pagans?
>It's only one guy
we are two actually. the gay anime poster and me
لأ كل الناس تعرفه في مصر و بنشربه كتير في رمضان. موجود كتير في محلات العصير الصغيرة.
Fighting about your whiteness as a /mena/ resident is fucking pathetic. The other general that was peaceful is absolutely ruined
It's mostly negative
shut up negroid
Do I qualify as an honorary moor?
Why do you want to be our friend finngloid? Piss off
Pretty sad desu.
>tfw you will never be blessed by zeus himself
in algeria we have cherbet
>lemonade with milk and orange blossom
Unironically pretty neat.
Pourquoi tant de haine dans tes propos?
>Tfw you'll never worship any pagan gods
I already do OMAD so it doesn't matter to me. It's very easy to sneak water when my parents aren't looking.
are thoose wood chips or am i dumb?
>Hehehehe i'm a t#rkish white aryan and islam is white too stupid whities hehhehehehehehe
don't talk to me, slave
>there are a 100 million Egyptians alive rn
last i looked at a map their country was comprised wholly of desert where tf do they live
Go away bitchboy
for the Saudi attention whore before she posts
>hey guys gamer tumblr grill xdd my ehusband exd deee XDDDDD INCEL FREAK xddddddd I am no attention whoring I am just a feminist (probably a tranny) did u know x3 *posts tumbs shit picture* I am gay too xddddd why incel x / y loool guiseee *posts some shitty tumblr pic* motadayen 3azeb ur boomer games sukkss I will go play fortnite xdddd
>mfw i voted no on the constitution change referendum for the sole purpose that one of the clauses mandates that parliament be made up of at least 25% women.
>>there are a 100 million Egyptians alive rn
>last i looked at a map their country was comprised wholly of desert where tf do they live
literally here
my house on the right
نفسي القاهرة تتفجر
>t. عايش في أكتوبر بس برضه كسم القاهرة
>i post wojak memes while my country looks like this
I voted No knowing it will pass anyway
would've voted yes otherwise
absolute state
your people really fucked up over the past 100 years
مش بدْو يشيلو العشوأيات؟
Based and Cavepilled.
Tumblrina bait post
you swallow propaganda like birth control pills retard.
>pic related is my neighbourhood
Miss me with that shit. Go find some friends somewhere else weirdo.
Ekhrestos Anesti!
i'm not a tumblrina f*minist
i would be perfectly happy living in egypt the rest of my life if it wasn't overpopulated and polluted.
كسم الفلاحين
بزازك يا لبوة؟
>this is who you're talking to
Fish this time wasn't so bad. Also I ate weird eggs from smol birds. Happy easter everyone else.
Deelicious. I love your "spring rolls"/sambusa fillings, mini sardines and mtewm a lot.
Sorry for asking you, but do you know any algerian songs aside from the typical ones? I'd like to discover new ones. :3 souad is great of course but I already know her, and most other rai artists.
lol you're a richfag i get it you don't need to lie like 80% of your country doesn't look like the image i posted.
looks very depressing
Do I qualify as an honorary MENA?
I have larped as you on pol.
I am not a selfhating cuck to let an outsider aka armenian refugee talk shit about people that did not wrong him.
>بزازك يا لبوة؟
You must be trolling, i don't think you are that retarded.
I have no idea who you're talking about. here are my man hands for proof
Mexicans are Egyptian kings
we both love beans got pyramids and look alike
not sure i understand what you're getting at. 6 million external refugees, 12 million internally displaced in syria. i think it's possible to say that much of the country is fucked
I'm not a richfag... i hate richfags. I'm anarcho communist who seek revenge from the cuck richfags who steal from the people... also nearly 90% of aleppo looks like this.
pretty much. tho comfy.
its a lot more than 6
syrians in jordan turkey and lebanon alone probably total up to 8-9
based bro. it was just an ironic sentence /egy/ roleplay
Do Laz belong here?
>mfw iraqis complain about syrian refugees in iraq
Kinda weird these are literally your people they are getting back, though. Happy easter btw even if you do not celebrate it.
مراركة و دزاير خاوة خاوة نشاألله يحلو لحدادا اخوكم من تلمسن
Pic he posted looks like an average neighborhood, i doubt he is a richfag.
>Hmmmm so some pagan is trying to expose my plans
How do I get an arab bf?
Oh look an arab
you post your contact information right now and some pictures
Salam, qarib.
Word. I don't even know how relations became so bad with Morocco. To be fair, i never bothered searching or trying to know.
are you the autistic mexican who used to post on /egy/?
maybe in algeria but you dont understand how much of poor shithole syria is
the average neighbourhood is one full of commie blocs