
E-THOT edition

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Similarly, someone I know will always interrupt a story with a subreddit name, like if someone was telling us about a blatant lie they heard he'd cut in by saying "r/thathappened", or if it was something really cringeworthy they did when they were younger he'd say "r/im14andthisisdeep"

Is Camden Town worth a visit?

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*does an anonymous post*

Might kill myself if rangers don’t win

>Jeremy Corbyn was arrested in 1986 taking part in a protest by IRA sympathisers to “show solidarity” with accused terrorists including the Brighton bomber, a Sunday Times investigation reveals.

b-but it's all right wing smears...

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I live there
Everything up from Camden town tube station up until Stables Market are Pakistani souvenir money laundering stalls

Stables Market is really nice for a visit.
The walk down the canal from Camden Town to Regents Park is really nice
Primrose Hill (close to Camden Town) & Parliament Hill have nice skyline views of London


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I went there a few years ago and it was the same 5 stalls full of chinese crap copy and pasted 100 times
bit disappointing

Jow ForumsLondon
Jow Forumstravel

just out here doing this esoteric space nazi shit i wouldn't look too deep into it frankly

Speech 100

gaglgooing HARD at this x

mate i cant tell if its pizza or not half of it is in his mouth i just thought he had a piece of toast with some vegies on it or something fuck off and give me a break would you

one less prod to shit up the place

Jow Forumscringe

please don't endorse r*ddit. ty




It's arguably the worst place in London

>hordes of tourists (incl. a lot of annoying Spanish kids)
>plastic bongs
>knock off Bob Marley t-shirts
>shite street food and non-shite street food prices
>vagrants and chancers peddling terrible weed by the lock
>cunts busking everywhere
>literally none of the edgy sub-culture of late 20th century that made it a destination in the first place

t. used to live in Camden

fantastic gimmique while it lastest

accidentally bet $50 on Hull o1.5 goals instead of Swansea yesterday. Clicked the wrong button.

Pleasantly surprised when I checked on the score an hour after it ended

>up for work in 5 hours

I just can't be arsed sleeping.

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as if you or anyone else in this thread wouldn't give it to her
little liar

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based aussie millie poster

she looks weird and old despite being in the nonce-bracket

pedowood/showbiz really does a number on kids and their physiology

Please refer to this post:

where in camden me lad

I wouldn't you fucking nonce

i would be a really good person to work in a shop that celebrities go to if they wanted to have a normal day
i don't recognise like 99% of so-called celebrities and the other 1% i couldn't give a shit about
i'd treat them like everyone else

Atheist bro

Why is everyone on the alt-right an apologist for raping boys? Milo, Sargon etc.

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sunday night shift ah yes very nice
hope toilberg remunerates you well enough for this

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subtle wisdom

just started fucking crying because man city scored
this isn't fucking fair liverpool deserve to win the league

They're conveniently all zionists as well

>she's UNDERAGE!!!! society has deemed it necessary for the world to revolve around the celestial body at the centre of our solar system at LEAST 16 times first!!!! ugh don't be so GROSS!

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about 5 mins further on from Sainsbury's, a really nice house off Rochester Square actually

Used to go Woody Grill on the regular, and the Camden Head wasn't too bad sometimes

doing a read lads


How common is this at American unis

Absolutely based in all honesty
Should be 14

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mate she looks about 13

peng, but are those self harm scars?

not common. not particularly uncommon. ive heard it or similar things happening at frats a few times a year.

too ugly to know for sure though

Not gonna work

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>15 is it? no, 'fraid not little missy. that would be IMMORAL and i, as the upstanding member of society that i am, must heartily refuse your offer presently. good day ma'am

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Not even watching it. I know city will win and can't watch it as a Liverpool man

corkin christ

15 here wahey

Just back from church, missed anything good?


destroy all nonces

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It's more common that if you lose without sinking a single ball in a cup then you have to run around the outside of the building nude

to be fair, I can understand why drake did it

gave up on bumble after a week because some women just can't initiate conversations
I got shit like this and "what's your favourite food" and "best holiday destination"
so fucking boring

>peng, but are those self harm scars

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big choon this

Mark getting leathered in Brighton

any locals head down there desu


Now Cleo on the other hand

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"your box on my mouth - the novel"

You missed this
*Unzips dick*

say the bible

Love these try-on haul vids

Blatant softcore porn

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think it's less to do with celestial rotation and more about brain development
the facts are incontrovertible


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had a crush on a girl named peta in year 6
still think about her every day

the 90s were a more optimistic time desu

That's nice, you did well.

I just got canned pickup lines or references to The Office (burger version).


prefer moe ytpo myself.

None of us will ever know what its like to have sex with a woman with these proportions. I'm the most chad here and even i havent fucked anything close to that level

back from church lads! twas a good service

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it's a YES from me

nice rig, but her face screams 'sour bitch' and looks like she's gonna age like milk

a turk said I’ve got a good grasp in comedy in a thread I made last night
not sure what to make of it

highly based post

>what's that? you want to slobber on my knob until sunrise? that would be grea-- wait, are you 16? no? oh well sorry, no thank you, you're actually REPULSIVE because this planet has not yet turned enough for me to be attracted to you

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I would have rather had pickup lines

lmao why did you get kicked out? did you try to sit on one of the things?

yea very peng in a grim shithole way

plain looking.

have sex.

would smash until it bruised.

What did he done do

that's like an autist complementing your social skills

wouldn't read too much into it

based aussie

you pathetic virgin

peng choon

phwoooarr lovley bit of totty right there


Fairly common in the frat world.

focus on ice hockey

>Rochester square
rich mug FOB

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it's like that scene in The Social Network where they drop off all the top quality whores at the frat house.

can't be real. that's why it's a movie.

Can't even spell "you're" correctly, instadrop

Her face is fucked


13 year old sister wants an iPhone 8 plus

how do I tell this cretin the phone is too big for her