Who here fell for the /friends/ meme?

Who here fell for the /friends/ meme?

1. they suck up your time
2. they always take more than they give
3. they tell you their bullshit uninformed lazy opinions that infect your mind
4. they are always shittier people than you

If you think friends are a good thing, you probably fit into the category of people who TAKE more than what they give. That's why you think friendship is such a great deal. However you're just a vampire and that is a fact.

Attached: vampire lady.jpg (2560x1440, 270K)

>Not recruiting lieutenants with ludicrous dreams of getting cream lets do this

Not gonna make it

Also gfs are way worse. Take time and money and emotions.

>let a guy talk about video games with me for 30 minutes
>he buys me any weed products I want because he has his medical card
It seems like a fair trade.

this my friends generally help me
do you help him with crypto trades? you should.

>3. they tell you their bullshit uninformed lazy opinions that infect your mind
this is the absolute worst

OP is clearly the shitty friend he's complaining about, project more baby


you should unless he is way too retarded

i d o n t w a n t f r i e n d s i w a n t a u d i s

Attached: idontwantfriends.jpg (1280x720, 92K)

Sounds like you have shitty friends, OP. I'm introverted, but I have two very close friends who are essentially brothers to me.
My girlfriend realized her friends were shit after she realized how unhappy and unfulfilled they made her compared to my relationships.

Are your friends on the same mission as you? Do they have the same values and goals as you? You are wasting your time with them if they are not.

I don't into crypto

>implying women are capable of being supportive

The best they motivate each other is through envy and hatred

This nigga knows what's up

I dont have any friends anymore for a long time after remembering all the ways that they could have helped me but chose not to. I decided that this was it, I'm simply not touching that topic again. It's just another scam that society pulls on you that has no real world relevance. Everything else is more important than friends, money, work, your sexual partner.
Friends are an absolute joke compared to these real world achievements.
I honestly think that I understand how society works and friendships are luxury items. They can totally work out if you have the time and money to support them but the same applies to your video gaming hobby. It's still trash

Frankly its a true tragedy that many people feel this way and have no true real friends.

If theres one thing i could change about the world, it would be for everyone to have at least one genuine friend.

I have a small group of friends that we truly will lifelong support each other, and its obvious that they would be my last bastion of sanity and hope if things truly went to hell in my life.

Not sure if you’re autistic, psychopathic, or just weirdly trolling, OP.

I was at similar point in my life a couple years ago. I had let go of every person in my life, family and friends. I left everything behind because I realized the relationships I had were taking a toll, no one could see eye to eye with me.
While it was better to have no friends than it was to have leeching friends, having good relationships that emerge from shared self-interest make all pleasures in life better. It's painful not having anyone to grow and change with you.

A genuine friend will feel like you in another body. They'll want what's best for you, they'll stand up and look after you. It'll catch you off guard if or when you develop these sensations, and if they do arise don't make the mistake of not telling the people you love how much they mean to you.



sorry about your shit friends but close social connections are #1 key to happiness

>4. they are always shittier people than you
t. 600IQ 14yo masterkiller sword ninja.

nah, simply not faling for it again. Don't get me wrong, one day I'm gonna be friendly with people again, I'm gonna hold relationships and be cordial and seem like a totally normal, well integrated person. But never again am I gonna project all these weird societal fake feelings and expectations into it. Friendships are something you rent if you can afford them, via money, status and looks and health.

>Not realizing OP is a sensitive soul who genuinely put effort into a relationship and got really hurt.

agree 100% but wtf does this have to do with Jow Forums

you get what you put in. i dont fake my feelings or thoughts with my friends and they dont with me. ive been broke and homeless and had people who were still my friends. just because you had a bad experience personally doesnt mean what you believe is universally true

Jow Forums is his new support group instead of his real life relationships. he thinks friends have no value then dumps what people normally do with friends onto us. not saying its a bad way to go about it, lots of us here do it, but op is naive that he has emotional needs

I hope you realize you're wrong before too long. All relationships are transactions, and you deserve ones that increase your sum the greatest.
There are no words for the beauty one experiences in legitimate kinship.

> 3. they tell you their bullshit uninformed lazy opinions that infect your mind
> If you think friends are a good thing, you probably fit into the category of people who TAKE more than what they give.

Theory: What they want to give you feels heavy and suspicious to you, but they still want to give on their way. They offer more than you take kind of thing?

I think I get you though. My IRL people are solid, but like being on twitter even with autists like me I can't do it. Even with people from here. I feel I need to project some fake shit about how everyone is great that isn't in me. It's a bit like, if you were very open about your skepticism about certain shit, would you be invited to parties? No right, you would be a bit of a downer, so keep it inside your mouth. So I understand dealing with me may not be the easiest shit in the world but if I trust you and you seriously cross me once, there's not going to be any mending, you just stopped existing one day as far as I'm concerned.

"friends" are dime a dozen. They are replaceable. Back in the day you called these people acquiantances - someone you know and can hang out with, but not trust them to support you in life. true friends will give you their last dime if you really need it, because they know you will do the same for them.
Most people don't have true friends and those are usually rare and normally you only have few of those really trustworthy ones.

Look for friends and lieutenants. "friends" are there to entertain you and can be changed.

Glow in the dark more, all of you.

wat mean?

Got 1 true friend, our friendship goes deep. We where in fist fights with others side by side. We used to get drunk, do dope, hit the city (without any luck of atracting girls kek). Go weekends fishing etc.

He was there when I got divorced (all my other friends dropped me).

Its nice to have someone who always got your back.

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you're overthinking

make money and help others out every now and then

that's all there is to it