Reminder that if you can't chug 2 tall glasses of whole milk without it giving you digestive problems...

Reminder that if you can't chug 2 tall glasses of whole milk without it giving you digestive problems, you are not white.

Attached: ftVQp2L.jpg (1722x1187, 236K)

Other urls found in this thread:

you should add that you're not white just because you're lactose tolerant either.
only my mom cant handle milk in my family and none of us has euro ancestry

Reminder that only one out of five alleles for drinking milk are European in origin.

Attached: malk.png (1217x799, 355K)

>Mexico more lactose tolerant than Spain
Whiter than you Manolo

Look at the map again dum dum. You are less tolerant to lactose than the Spanish.
More blue --> More intolerance


I'm T;T at rs4988235 even though I'm half-Armenian. Therefore, I can drink milk just fine even though I'm not wh*te.
Lactose tolerance is in no way an indicator of wh*teness.

Attached: my dna.png (2216x2516, 1.88M)



Attached: c4a.jpg (238x192, 9K)

But I'm very black and I can do that, and often do for quick breakfast washing down granola bar. So what does that mean OP?