Anybody else annoyed by this cunt who started to shill LINK to normies on Twitter? It's not meant to be shilled to plebbit and Twitter fags, it's /ourcoin/!
What can we do about this?
Anybody else annoyed by this cunt who started to shill LINK to normies on Twitter...
Other urls found in this thread:
Doxx him and kidnap him?
You are a first class dipshit, OP.
I'm actually pretty pissed rn, but I have a point, right?
Well apparently normies are poor and/or retarded because we aren't pumping much
Had 3 glasses of wine, 2 ouzos and 3 gins
>muh secret club
Faggot, even when the volume was 25 BTC, do you think that was just Jow Forums?
You must be retarded. That's the same guy who finds half the "muh dots" you find here on Jow Forums.
Show proof and I will publically apologize
I'm not retarded m8, I'm hammered
the difference being...?
Brainlets don't understand that you're not supposed to shill your stealth mode alts in a bear market.
Waste all the good news in a time when all eyes are on Bitcoin and alts are breaking yearly supports, all for that sweet 30% gain! Singularity is surely near with all the new bagholders shills will create.
>show proof
Swing trading autists on Jow Forums did not made up 25 BTC volume. Ffs, user. The world is bigger than you basement and Jow Forums.
Being retarded is a permanent state; being tipsy/drunk is not
A whole 3k followers between them. WOW! That should make it as known and sought after as Litecoin. The absolute fucking state of retards.
post chainlink branded gore underneath his tweets
Now that's what I'm talking about
Exactly. Go ahead and shill every crumb you find, pricing it all in until there's no singularity fuel left. Shills are exclusively 10k or less linklets. No one with actual skin in the game wants to shill right now. You all ask who will buy our bags if we don't shill, but how does it accomplish anything to get them buying now? It's the same effect.
brainlets would rather shill and buy at 30c instead of shutting the fuck up and accumulating at 18c
If you have to ask this you're not in the telegram group where all biz detectives bundle their autism. But I am and I know who's the main force.
I’m not gonna show proof, but I know for a fact that that twitter account is run by an autist who delivers a fair amount of muh dots that we get here.
it literally wont get removed for ages twitters support is literally useless pajeet tier
FUD. Spread believable fud. Fuck these PnD shillers. This is a legit project and doesn't need these retards.
Lol that faggot again
pure cringe
hurr durr sekrit klub
Kill yourself you cringy retard. Not your personal army.
This is the "big news" for Chainlink according to that tweet.
Does it even have anything to do with Chainlink?
can confirm. They're in the discord too.
Nothing, it was bound to happen since you retards are shilling this 24/7/365