Why do Brazilians do this?

Why do Brazilians do this?

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Because white is better

Maybe he's growing lighter with age.

Ask Tyra Banks, desu.

They are both insufferable btw.

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More money = Better hygiene = Cleaner skin

Just because he is brown it doesn't mean he can't be darker under the sun.

le 27 year old prospect face

I think the sun

This. He always had this skin color.

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Holy shit, what's their secret?

Europeans are fags confirmed

good for him

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Holy shite brownoids kys

The eyes never lie.

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the kid looks like me when i was young
why is he so white?

It's funny because his mutt father has light eyes

pardo (white+some shit) + white = 75%> white

rich people have always had fairer/paler skin



Doesn't mean you just start becoming pale when you get rich

maybe he's got better "shifts" now so he's less in the sun

Yes it does