Do Europeans really do this?

Do Europeans really do this?

Attached: 75B7C7B1-5262-4C38-A746-D00BDF442457.jpg (619x590, 76K)

Attached: baby_holder.jpg (496x750, 32K)

>If only you knew how bad things really are.

I can assure you they are NOT about to be sexually abused and mutilated.

still more justifiable than circumcision

>My ancestors are smiling at me, imperial. Can you say the same?

Gaslighting! They are melting those children to turn them into Merkels in a program supported by George Soros. Look at that boy - Fully melted to receive his irreversible Merkelization ray.

It's either this or getting mutilated.

>medical diagnosis is more justifable than random genital mutilation for religious and anti-masturbation reasons
You don't say.

wouldn't it be much easier to use butcher hooks attached to ceiling