"I would trade my individual thought...

"I would trade my individual thought, cuck yourself and willingly turn into an NPC for a collective "ideal" society like Japan"

Agree y/n and discuss

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Aren't you going on a sex tourism trip with your mom? Weeb fag.

What are you talking about? I'm a Filipino

Why do that when you can just come live in America?

Yes and no
If I can contribute that means Im already more competent than an animal who can only take care of itself and 100x more than parasites who have depend on hosts to exists and give the host nothing.

Im happy if they regcognize my hardwork.
We human born just to die someday, if by the time we die be can contribute to people around us and being remember for that we lived a quite OK life.

However, I dont believe giving up on indivdual thought as it impare team work and brainstorming greatly even in a collective society.

I would like to be a japanese delinquent, maybe get involved with the yakuza after I got old

Would not want to be salaryman or work in the city

That is true.
I have a lot of cousins who are Americans to be honest
I was supposed to be American too (my 102 year old grandpa inherited his colonial US citizenship), but my dad lied to the US Embassy about being single (when he was actually married), so yeah, he was denied US Citizenship while my cousins were allowed to immigrate to the US.

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I'm mentally incapable of doing that. The state of being an anomie is hardcoded into my behavior. I cannot identify with any part of a culture that is outside of a universal cultural norm. In a strict, collectivist society, I would die a miserable death in a dark prison for being unable to conform to the nonsense deemed nessecary by the greater swaths of society.

I think a balance must be achieved between collectivism and individualism.

America is near that balance but it gets fucked up every once in a while.

>this gay avatarfag again