Why do they not have a general on 4channel?

Why do they not have a general on 4channel?
Why are they so rare on this website?
We're in the same timezone and I almost never see them

Attached: 1280px-Flag_of_Spain.svg[1].png (1280x853, 72K)

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they seem to be absent from most places on the internet. Maybe they spend their time doing regular human things like reading or spending time with their friends and family like a bunch of nerds.


anglo humour is stupid and cringe af, why would they post here ?

Poo and wills arent stupid you soft garlic frog twat

Spanish people aren't very good with English and we have Spanish websites that suffice what 4channel does, so most people can't and don't need to come here.

Lower proportion of autists in general population
I'm not fond of anglos but their humor is superior, you wouldn't want to know what passes as humor here, it's the most dreadful shit. I don't think I've ever laughed heartily at any spanish comedian or comedy tv joke

>Lower proportion of autists in general population
Spain more like kingdom of the normalfags

>Spanish websites that suffice what 4channel does
please give me some names

Why don't you take that anglo cock off your mouth you retard.

The most famous one that would be the "Spanish Jow Forums" is forocoches, then there are other less important internet forums like mediavida or meneame, I don't reallly know all the internet forums though, there are many and many are half dead at this point.

>t. club de la comedia fan

>club de la comedia
unironicamente basado
y el broncano este que risas tu.. jaja

el pachacho el pachacho

dont know if i should google that or not

>you wouldn't want to know what passes as humor here
better than French humor.

Spanish humor isn't that bad desu.


Not enough to keep a general alive and there are not many social outcast in this country

cuantos episodios viste?
its normie central, just a spanish forum praised for being "the biggest concentration of trolls XD"

how popular is meme culture in the spanish speaking internet

No offense, but football shit bores me to tears.
I speak French as well, and I really like pic related, don't know about others. Imo, humor can't be some tepid thing, some people will laugh their ass off and others will be shocked or disgusted, but it can't be bland and please everyone.

Attached: Dieudonne.jpg (290x401, 16K)

can voice dubs or clips of TV shows be considered memes? if so we have lots of local stuff

De La vida moderna casi todos, Ignatius es tan buen y mal cómico al mismo tiempo que es la puta ostia chaval

>Spanish people aren't very good with English
from what ive seen online i disagree

>better than French humor
You can't know Les Inconnus and shit on French humor.

no le veo la gracia a ignatius, supongo que es un sentido de humor muy "andaluz" o algo
you are bound to see people that are completelly inmersed in english-speaking websites here
a lot of spaniards only study the bare minimum in english, they think of it as a class, not a language. just like any american or brit would do about foreign languages.

>Les Inconnus
This, they were great, there's nothing like this in Spain that I know of, comedians never rock the boat and always cater to the current zeitgeist, predictable and boring.

Yeah, I love Spanish culture, but when it comes to humour I much prefer the French and the British.
Though to be fair and at the risk of looking like a huge normie, I love Victoria Martín and her whole role of acting like an edgy parody of an Instagram influencer.

interesting. do spaniards move to latin america a lot

No, they did until the 50s or so, now Latin America is way worse economically, the few that decide to leave Spain go to a richer country in Europe, although not many migrate compared to for example Portugal, and now mainly Latin American people come to Spain, like my parents did.

Boo !
Nah I'm kidding, I'm just on vacation.

>do spaniards move to latin america a lot
nah , very few do nowadays, mainly the ones that suck at english
our grandparents used to go to places like argentina or venezuela to work when they were 3 times more wealthy and succesful than us, but those days are long gone

Because we are in bed together

Attached: me and spanish bois.jpg (500x700, 102K)

me on the left

me not there because that's gay af

Italia no


Ew where the fuck are their clothings ?

post more

i just checked out forocoches
i'm surprised people still use bulletin boards. and there are emoticons everywhere

they don't need :3

Attached: 1555052250287.jpg (1515x1515, 686K)

Le spécimen rital mesdames et messieurs...

> forocoches
Is the name ironic or a car forum turned into Spanish Jow Forums ? lmao

Attached: 1535285425511.jpg (500x700, 148K)

Yes, originally it was a car forum, had two sections, cars and offtopic, and the offtopic part grew

it's like the spanish version of the bodybuilding forum

I've always been in the english internet since the late 90s. I remember gaia, YTMND, Newgrounds, SomethingAwful and fucking stupid Ebaumsworld

kek what the fuck

well it's a forum founded in 2003, so it evolved in something else. best thing about it is that there are no moderators, it's pure anarchy and people report eachother.

this was one of their jobs