Your country

>your country
>what are your thoughts on pedestrian areas and medieval streets?

Attached: santiago-de-compostela-rua-do-vilar.jpg (830x600, 362K)

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They are very comfy

Absolutely great, cars are a bane on existence.

This terrifies the american,-2,4.35956,43.83704/Z18/


I love them.
But it is really rare to have such streets.

Very cozy, its why i go to europe 3x a year

freaking based

Attached: pontevedra.jpg (1305x777, 444K)

I have a short story about that from school - we had a project about how to increase tourism and improve the local economy in the area.


>We have a few narrow old streets with brick buildings which attract tourists and businesses. We should build more.

But it turns out that we can't, because it's illegal. It's literally against the city fire code (too narrow), the sanitation codes (garbage trucks can't fit in there), etc.

Attached: Alley.jpg (1390x834, 441K)

>>what are your thoughts on pedestrian areas and medieval streets?
redpilled beyond human comprehension
cars have got to go

Attached: vtym24ym-1362096883-suburban-sprawl-1.jpg (926x450, 437K)

>fire regulations
just make everything out of stone or something
are suburban areas inherently british
i believe in europe only brits and irish have them

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nah france and germany have lots of them too, france especially but i suspect that may be partially because of white flight from the influx of niggers
suburbs are definitely a perfidious albion invention though

we need more, so many places still looks like this

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the fire regulations are because fire trucks can't fit on those narrow streets


Based and comfy. Cars ruined cities

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at least there's grass and trees in that pic, i'd rather live there than somewhere where everything is paved

>than somewhere where everything is paved
like where?


lovely, shame about the modern-ish columns

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believe it or not but some places like OP aren't always 100% paved

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based and repilled
cars ruined cities
I'm surprised Jews didn't invent passenger cars.


Georges-Eugène Haussmann invented this city planning with wide boulevards. He rebuilt Paris with Napolean III in the middle of 19th century. Then the style spread elsewhere. One of the reason for this was that politicians didn't like to have a labourinth of small and shady streets because revolutionaries could use them for their benefit. It was easier to control people on wide and long streets.

It was a coincidence that cars had the needed space ready.

They are godsend. Shameful there is only one street like that in the city. Even cooler when uni is there: no damn traffic lights timing, comfy during breaks. Although every drunkard beggar has an obligation to appear there.

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My town does't have cars, only boats

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easily the best parts of my cunt

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I love them, they're everywhere in intra-muros Avignon

>>what are your thoughts on pedestrian areas and medieval streets?
Nice to visit, shit to live in.

they need to ban tourists too not just cars


In 1666, a fire destroyed essentially all of London. Afterwards, there was a competition to decide how to remake the city. Obviously there were a lot of interesting ideas on what to do, with wide boulevards and grid patterns, but in the end we just built the same tiny unusable streets we had before like the mad lads we are

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pretty much this

why are they shit? because of no car?

>why are they shit?

The ciutat vella in barcelona doesn't have this issue, but the garbage trucks are always a tight fit.

Qué bonito es Pontevedra

comfy as fuck

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>it's shit to live in because the law says so

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Based, the Japanese alley is based as well. Wide streets make me anxious

Most of my town is pedestrians only. It's too narrow for cars on most streets. And it's all medieval.

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