10K to invest

After filtering out “memes”, biz has turned out to be really helpful to me. So thanks anons.

This is my current portfolio. my.delta.app/BL70

Planning to drop another 10K with allocations to XLM (60%) / HOLO (18%) / QASH (12%) / GVT (8%).

Opinions and advice. No mentions of LINK please.

Attached: 92998096-533B-4300-8D1E-1DDFB7339348.png (750x1334, 113K)

I could suggest to look at Augur (REP)
when hype will be back this shit will explode for sure. crypto + gambling events + predictions markets, pffff
will iphone 666 have 1488 gb ram?
will new porsche beat bugatti?
will kardashian suck trumps dick?
will elon musk legalize lsd worldwide?
just think of how crazy it can (and will) be when bulls will be back

>After filtering out “memes”
Has literally all meme coins

Those (except ZIL where I did my DYOR) were accumulated before got introduced to biz

Lol you're either funny or retarded

this cant be real man. those are all shitcoins lol

don't disagree, but what is the use in stockpiling the token? why will people hold REP?

Buy more ZIL, make it at least 80% of your portfolio

it's native token for this platform. you need REP to place a bet or create new event in the system, as well as validate the outcome. say musk didn't legalized lsd worldwide, but you are lying and pretending like he did, then platform liquidates your rep since you're violating platform rules
not a complete list, but you get the idea. supply is very tiny, like 11m tokens, so...

This portfolio will be down 90% once BTC dumps to 6800

Maybe the memes are memes for a good reason.

Attached: 1523524044170.gif (280x198, 3.65M)

Thanks user. Yeah, planning to buy more ZIL.

Already holding 100K ZIL though. Had a private allocation to Sovrin as well.

100k is good amount but you should buy as much as you can if you got the opportunity.

Sovrin is good, what's the hardcap?

Put 10% in electrify.

Thanks. Just realised that I had a 20K ELEC stashed up in a separate wallet.

35M. They are raising (or will raise) another private round with increased hard-cap. Hard-cap for public sale likely to be higher.

Buy UFR before they release the app this fall

Attached: 1516347563737.png (1400x787, 1.14M)

wow sovrin, lucky you.

Not sure yet how Sovrin will turn out to be. Let's see.

Go half half in on ZIL and Qash

Two solid projects. Thank you.