1. Cunt

1. Cunt
2. Does your country has cultural divide between north and south?


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virgin ainu

southern bulgaria is basically northern turkey

Funny thing is that the south is browner, underdeveloped, more violent and less educated.

Flag, yes.

North - rednecks, moonshine, hunting, incest and racism.

South - city people, gays, refugees and political correctness

Do central italians identify as their own thing or split between north (e.g.Tuscany) and South (e.g. Lazio)?

Hardly but we pretend otherwise
The only unique culture in Italy is found in Sardinia

It's east-west

yes, fuck m*rseillais

Fuck Yankee scum, Burn down Washington, Jew York, and every shithole Yankee city

There is a divide between north and south and east, centre and west. The north is typically more aboriginal and 3rd world. Each province has its own culture too.

They don't care about this niggerish diatribe

Yes, south of the rivers dwell the papists. They're nice enough, but short and brownish.

>short and brownish.
I'll believe that when I see proof.

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isn't it purebred yayoi (aka proto koreans) in the south vs YAYOI-JOMON MVTTS in the north?

Seriously go there, you'd blend in perfectly. Decades of Roman and later Spanish occupation have rendered the Dutch Southrons short brown friendly people


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ryukyuians and ainus need to unite against the yamatoads



Fuck natives, they’re worthless sacks of shit that should be removed. Reservations should just be taken out and them forced to assimilate, Canada should do the same. Probably just nuke Greenland till there’s only Danes left

1. us of a baby
2. obviously. they even split off into their own general because they needed a safe space.

a little bit

Tijuana is one of the most violent cities in mexico. Reminds us where that’s at bud.

every time i go in brit there's some cunt crying about manchester existing

American influence

t. Yank
You have no culture, the south is where American culture lies

did my post imply i was one of you cousin fuckers? go suck bubba's dick in your safe space general.

Last time I checked it was Atlanta getting burned down, cuckletus

i always wondered this, if even such a concept as a "central italy" even exists or if it's just strictly north and south.

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Well my island does, obviously. As for the Republic of Ireland itself, no. Of course, if we reunify there would then be a north-south cultural divide in the Republic. 100 years of separation wouldn't go away over night and north of the country would retain its British feel with the buildings, roads, etc.

What are the cultural differences between south and north in Kyrgyzstan?

What culture does the south have that the north lacks?

No. It's east vs west actually but not to a huge degree since the commies moved everyone around. Back in the Commonwealth days it was legit north vs south though.

>if even such a concept as a "central italy" even exists
Some north italians see them as terroni too

Hope you die, mick rat

Individualism, comfort, friendliness, southern ingenuity

Have you ever left the south?

Everybody dies

No, and don’t need to. commiefornia is a shithole, north is garbage, and have no reason to visit Hawaii or Alaska. And every other country is shit

Yes but nothing major and very unknown

stop lying we are barely any different from northoids

Our swarthy genes come from Spanish

I live in the South. The culture is kitsch and bullshit.

>I've never left my home town but all those other places suck.
Dumb southerner.

No? idk to be honest, i suppose we are too little for such shit, but Latvia is divided into 4 parts and they are pretty different.

What are you talking about? the divide between North and South Germany is very distinct and has a long history.

South has most of the civilization, north is seen as christian reindeer herders. We also have an east-west divide since westerner's genome is closer to the english than to people from the east. No proper hostility though, just people acting smug toward each other.

If you go far enough north you meet the sami that we unsuccessfully attempted to culturally convert. So now we just leave them to their own devices basically.

>that we unsuccessfully attempted to culturally convert
How, did you send them crates of cuckold porn?

I think we took away some of their kids and told them "Sami isn't a real language you degenerate pagan, speak Norwegian you future reindeer molester" or something along those lines. It didn't pan out I guess. Not that it really matters, their region is so cold that noone else wants to live their basically.

>unsuccessfully attempted to culturally convert
you should have just asked us for advice

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>What are the cultural differences between south and north in Kyrgyzstan?
Before russian empire came and colonised most of central asia the south (more like west/southwest actually) was under Kokand Khanate rule, there were mix of culture between kyrgyz pastoral nomads and sedentary sarts (uzbeks and tajiks), kyrgyz of these region actively tried to influence the politcs of the khanate and so were more tied to it culturally and politcally. Some traditions mixed, there's a dialect in some parts of "southern" regions (mostly where uzbeks are the biggest minority) that is distinct from standard literary kyrgyz etc.
The north was more influenced by a big influx of dzungar settlers who settled in the region after the dzungar khanate conquered it, although they quickly assimilated with local population. I wouldn't say that there are also any big economic disparity as all the regions are generally poor with only Bishkek in the north and Osh in the south being major urban centers with a wealth concentrated around it although naturally Bishkek is more developed and prosperous because it's a capital.


Maybe more West and East and Mid

Everyone from center italy will tell you they are better than those from the regions below them

It's more of a east/West divide

I want to live in west finland

xD i love pepe le frog lmao
and wojack, hilarious xDDD

Spain and yes, northerners hate us Andalusians, Murcian and Extremeños.

It's east and west

You might have had the high ground before this comment

There is a cultural divide between every direction

im another guy
just love those original memes xDD hella fr**king epic
remember when that frog was all smug? xDDD so funny ME GUSTA lmao

oh yes

I live right next to Limburg, which is the southernmost province of the Netherlands and I don't think they're much - or any - browner than the (Dutch) people in Amsterdam.

In Germany, there's a divide between the South (Bavaria and Baden-Württemberg) and the rest, but it's not a large one. Some Northerners don't like the primarily Bavarian arrogant attitude. The South is also a bit richer than the North (although Hamburg for example is rich as fuck). All in all, it's negligible in contrast to the East-West divide, that one is quite large.

what about Nordrhein westfallen

Do you mean just St. Petersburg and Moscow or north and south at large? Do Rostovians hate Smolenskians etc. or smth?

more like different regions from North and South
but maybe after soviet period the differences are not so hight, but anyway

>Yes , Indo-aryan/indo-Iranian north vs Dravidian South
We are linguistically , culturally and ethnically different from each other

We don't even eat the same food nor dress the same way

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What about it? I'm from Aachen (AQVISGRANVM) myself, which is pretty different from the "Ruhrpott". What do you want to know?

I will always be amazed how India manages to exist as a single entity despite being multi-ethnical and multi-religious. I'm even kinda sold to an idea of unified central asian states under Uzbek/Kazakh hegemony because there's an example of India being practially the same except for Hindustan subcontinent while also not being torn apart by civil unrest and war like some Yugoslavia.

U can thank the british for that.

>so strong

I also just meant that the basics of regions are really different, but Orthodoxy Christianity makes them united

The british created Pakistan (also Bangladesh) and Myanmar out of the British Raj what are you talking about

hate northerners
hate easterners
hate böndes in general
simple as

Not really but the South like to pretend.

t. Fennoswede gayboy

Yes but only a bit. North/south is closer than south/Belgium for example.

Yeah , us being functioning democracy surprises even us because democracy is supposed to be applicable ONLY in homogeneous society like this user said we gotta thank Brits for that

Brits were so horrible during colonial era that it forced everyone to set aside centuries of mutual hate , misunderstandings and other petty differences aside

Bavaria is basically a part of Austria while northerners are Prussians to Bavarians.


Are there more like this?

Stay mad chinks and poojeets. Brits drew ur borders.

I know they're similar and I'm familiar with the term "Saupreiß". Austria is German but unwilling to enter full Deutsch-Modus with us.
Are you perhaps Bavarian, so you can elaborate?

Drunken bolsheviks drew my borders idiot

It's more East/West divide. Actual North is mostly empty.

>Implying we didn't have well defined Borders Pre-Partition


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wtf I'm from Maastricht, nachbar?

>Implying u werent warring with eachother like the autistic shitskin u are.

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this, someone from Amsterdam and Breda are closer than someone frm Breda and Antwerp

>Calling brown people "shitskins" anonymously online
Wow what a badass, and a rebel!

>Caring what i call people online
Wow what a nigger u must get allot of upboats on reddit.



Hella epic post dude
Can't wait to show this to the other 14 year olds in Jow Forums

>Let me tell you about your country even though I don't know anything it
Also retard we did fight each other for centuries but when the Queen took over east India company and made it as british raj aka territory of the British crown

She and most other indian princely states signed an accord which pretty much stop internal infighting

Only those who didn't sign the accord were fighting against the Brits and other princely states who have now Allied with Brits

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Hi there, mijn vriend.
Is it true that there's a conflit or something you could potentially call a conflict between Limburg and the rest of the Netherlands? Because a friend of mine, who is from Utrecht, told me so. According to him, it's about religion, language and history itself.

Were you the one to ask about Nordrhein-Westfalen? If so, what do you want to ask?

Also, Euregio Maas-Rhein = Extreme Master Race.

Holy shit i cant believe they arent ceonsoring words that i dont like. better Say something, maybe i should tell my shitskin friends on reddit.

There is some kind of racism between Aleppo and Damascus. However, I'd say the greatest cultural division in Syria is between city dwellers, farmers and bedouins. Not to mention the different religions.

The south keeps calling itself Belgium for some reason.

Calling out underaged edgelords for being retards isn't the same as being pro-censorship, but hey, whatever fits your delusional worldview.

>She and most other indian princely states signed an accord which pretty much stop internal infighting

So you agree with my earlier statement u were warring with eachother until the brits came..