Why are white Americans like this? Did something went wrong on the trip from Europe to the US?

Why are white Americans like this? Did something went wrong on the trip from Europe to the US?

Attached: PoliteGrotesqueCrustacean.webm (626x358, 727K)

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What is she trying to comvey with that hand gesture?

Who knows

Why is she so smug at the end? Weird webm

Was she pretending like she was going to give him a wet willy?

When I was in middle school (In USA at the time) kids would wet their finger with their saliva and try to finger each other.

Eeww, women are retards and unfunny

Idk what you are talking about or what the gesture means. I can probably answer your question in serious matter if you explain what "like this" means I am an expert in American psychology

What am I even supposed to be seeing?

You think that's bad?


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wtf is wrong with Americans?

I don't understand what's happening here
...or here

They are cheering over game of thrones.

OP nobody knows whats going on I think its an injoke between 2 women that got caught on camera.

Its a bit dramatic but everyone's been drinking.

Are you guys actually retarded or just pretending to harvest outrage
Have you never seen the "hot to the touch" gesture? She wets her finger and pretends to touch him because it's supposed to mean touching something red hot would cause the finger to make steam
She's stupid for making that gesture as if people care, she looks off to her friend who seems to actually care about the game, she was trying to get a rise from her


there is something deeply wrong with them

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She wants to finger that African American Gentleman's anus.

Holy shit I can make a soy compilation out of this

cursed image

Is it normal to watch TV shows in a pub and have reactions like that?

I know that gesture, and that's not it. The similarity runs out after she wets her finger and puts it in the air.

If it was hot to touch you keep your finger straight and go "sssss" or something.
This one she twists her finger around like a weird hook. I think its an injoke

It depends on what you mean by normal. Most people don't go watch TV at the pub. BUT its not unheard of for the crows that are into that kind of thing. This bar probably has "game of thrones" night for game of thrones fans.

And yeah, fans get hyped when they are in a room with tons of other fans. Hell even watching at home viewings. Imagine it was the big hockey game and a bunch of Candian hockey fans were in there. Something like that they might get hyped.

Can't blame her. I'd eat his ass too.

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these people will colonize Mars.

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Please don't compare hockey to your incestuous dragons and elves porno starring a midget.

Nope, hot to touch 100%, she was looking for approval from her friend, which she didn't get so she dropped it before completing the entire motion

God bless you Canadian

no I think it was just a wet willy joke that fizzled and became awkward.

Its really obviously not, and if you ever do hot to touch with the weird spitty hook finger and no "ssss" then people will make the shocked face and make threads about you too. Next time just lick the finger tip keep it straight go "sss" no hook, no weird twist, no sucking your finger in.

I think its an injoke to do with prostate simulation

I was watching a football match sitting in the seccond row and the women(there with her husband and kids) squeeze the ass of this footballer while he leaned on the fence about to take a throw on.

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I literally have autism but I trained myself to understand body gestures

>I literally have autism
I would've never guessed. Everyone you quoted already knew what the gesture meant.

I honestly don't think that's true.

>i have autism and I'm proud of it
you cripples should be caged underground

you middle eastern sicilians should be. kys wop

Absolute state of white women.


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Western society... is built around worship of the blacks. Despite not making up more than 10-15% of the population of most countries, all the focus of modern art, music, culture, media, politics and advertising is on them. Even in European countries with historically no black population unlike the US, such as Sweden and Germany, blacks have become a commanding presence in everyday life. They are on TV screens and billboards everywhere.

People of African descent are venerated to a degree that other coloreds are not. They are so omnipotent and omnipresent that they overshadow much larger minorities, such as spics and muslims. Why do Westerners love blacks so much?

Nigger muslim slave detected

Anglo culture was a mistake

jewified* culture

Only in england, i regret not going clubbing when i was in england


Black men are usually taller, more confident, women know they have bigger dicks. And they're more masculine. No girl wants some pale feminine white boy, especially a blonde white boy. I'm gay but I have convinced many of my girlfriends that they should try a black guy, because I'm with one now and it's the best sex ever.A lot of women i know usually keep a black guy on the side. I'm gay so we do girl talk. It's 2019, and white boys are at home playing video games and not making an effort to start relationships. Black men are the definition of confidence, masculinity, and pleasure. White women won't and don't miss you.

She's giving him a psychic wet-willie

I will never understand heterosexual women.

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Hmm, pasta spam is my favorite

wh*Te whores being wh*Tes whores


>Have you never seen the "hot to the touch" gesture?
no you fucking weirdo

christ i hate americans why cant you just be normal

This is hilarious

Looks like a ukrainian bitch i used to know. Has a iranian bf now

what's wrong with the Americans?

>cheering for that shit writing
Fucking Christ, everyone in that video looks insufferable.
