Is this real?

Is this real?

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Who gives a shit? Fuck off.

based kankerman

How is this possible?

Attached: Screenshot from 2019-04-29 13:07:20.png (160x271, 85K)

I think the father is black

>How is this possible?

It’s not her baby, that’s how.

the baby is obviously fully nigger

I wouldn't even touch a fr*nch while wearing gloves

Not her kid
Why do incels do this?

gr*ek genes

There's no way this is real.
That is the ugliest mixed baby I have ever seen.

I wonder why

Why do Euros insist on breeding with wimpy north African cucks instead of west and central african chad's?

Western society... is built around worship of the blacks. Despite not making up more than 10-15% of the population of most countries, all the focus of modern art, music, culture, media, politics and advertising is on them. Even in European countries with historically no black population unlike the US, such as Sweden and Germany, blacks have become a commanding presence in everyday life. They are on TV screens and billboards everywhere.

People of African descent are venerated to a degree that other coloreds are not. They are so omnipotent and omnipresent that they overshadow much larger minorities, such as spics and muslims. Why do Westerners love blacks so much?

50% French
50% African
100% nigger

big hed

>Why do Westerners love blacks so much?
(((How else would you destroy the west?)))

guess who is gonna be picking up the bill.

Attached: adele-exarchopoulos-at-cesar-revelations-2019-event-in-paris-2.jpg (1200x1800, 196K)

>this is considered the most attractive in france

Attached: Adele-Exarchopoulos-Short-Lenght-Haircut-of-the-70th-Anniversary-Evening-at-the-70th-Cannes-Internat (750x1076, 167K)

a Jew?

No, and she looses all the attractiveness she might have had the second she opens her mouth.
She is retarded and speaks like a north african.

That's her ex-boyfriend (a "rapper") and she was pregnant from him, so that's likely her baby.

Attached: Adele-Exarchopoulos-et-Doums-leur-histoire-d-amour-continue.jpg (409x317, 44K)

>Despite not making up more than 10-15% of the population of most countries
You're WAY overestimating the amount of Blacks anywhere but in the USA

i thought she was greek

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All white french girls from the "banlieue" that I met had a complete fetish for african guys.

I'm Afro-German and let me tell you something...

Love living in this age. We Africans were suppressed for so long. And now we are here. My dad came as a poor farmer from Nigeria and married a gorgeous German women, my mother. I'm now a 3r year old Afro-German with a just as gorgeous German wife, two amazing mixed coffee colored kids and a great future



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Again, the black genes ruin a genetic line. Impressive dominance.

That must be adopted or something looks to dark to be hers

Someone needs to deflate her cheeks and chin, and she'll be an 8/10

Why are women so fascinated by blacks? It's crazy. Not even Muslims are that high up the ladder

I'm living in Cologne and most Africans I know are very popular among German women

Are you the guy who let your mom see your kara boga folder?

>immigrants exists
who would have thought

Post face

In Europe I'd assume it was mostly due to American propaganda. In the US we portray blacks as being "cool" because it's the only real positive stereotype they have. However if you look from the outside you miss the cultural context and might assume that blacks are all cool and sexy.

ABEED, is that you?

I'd still go for her even with a black kid. She's so hot.

It's rarer than Jow Forumsincels think even in London but it's because if blacks find a girl attractive they will be upfront about it where often whites would be indirect and nervous

Women are easily brainwashed by society pressure. They only do what other say they must do. If fucks blacks are the new popular thing, that's why they will do.

Yeah this so much. I'm half black and white dudes (at least here in Hamburg) are socially retarded. Fuck, even in the clubs I visit there are hordes of white males standing in big groups drinking beer while I'm on the dance floor grabbling asses lol

But I prefer it that way, more white meat for me

Take back this faggot, thanks

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Nice LARP.
But we all know that Negroes have a hard time adopting to social norms and are prone to rape.

Go back to your /deutsch/ containment general, you incel


Nigerian nigger, is that you? I missed your nigger ass

ah you are a brother?

niggers will inherit the earth so nature can find peace again. the wh*te spawn of yakub wish to destroy the earth but niggers will live in harmony with it and go back to stone age level. embrace it.