Be me

>be me
>two nights ago out with friends
>get drunk
>send $500 worth of bitcoin to my friends wallet because my bread wallet wasnt syncing and we needed to cash out some btc at the bitcoin atm for cash
>the atm doesnt work
>go back to having fun and drinking

he still has my $500 worth of bitcoin in his wallet. Day two now and im still waiting for him to contact me. Will wait another day to see if he is loyal enough to contact me and send it back.

anyone else do tests like these on their "friends". If he doesnt send it back before me confronting him im going to cut him off.

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"Dear Diary, today I..."

Good test, now if only I had friends...

will you kill him if he betrays you

>ruining a friendship over only $500
what's it like to be a nigger

I don't have enough friends to cut them off over $500. People die depressed, miserable, and alone with millions in the bank.

I have a former roommate and good friend who owes me $1000 bucks of rent but it's not worth it to me. I know he doesn't have it, and I know he's too ashamed to bring it up. We both never bring it up and I wouldn't have it any other way.


the friend who doesn't return it is the nigger.


he lost them on bitmex

what kind of friend is this?

OR your autism has gotten the best of you and he doesn't remember you sending him money

This is a fairly critical point assuming y’all got smashed

>friend wants to leave the communist shithole where we live with his wife and son
>lend he $2000
>he is now in another country and doesn't even say hi via WhatsApp
>the two times we have talked after he was out of here asked for more money

>long time female coworker gets fucked in some business in Colombia couple months after she emigrated there from this communist shithole
>ask for a small loan... $300
>6 months later his son get fucked in a car crash
>ask me $2000 dollars to pay hospital to save his son
>can't say no
>guys dies
>goodbye money

Same here OP. Its human nature to not want to return money, plain and simple.

You'd rather have more than less.

I take these tests as their credibility for future business potential.

If they're not willing to approach me and return it to me, then I'll just be more cautious in future when dealing with money around them but I won't flat out shun him because of that.

Maybe he forgot because he was drunk. Give them the benefit of the doubt, but always keep a discerning eye.

>Friends owe me money here and there, thought I forgot. I never forget a debt.

no he definitely remembers. we talked about it several times that night and werent even that drunk (8 or so beers)

should also add i have given this person $50 before and he hasnt returned it. willing to forget that though because $50 isnt a whole lot. but if hes willing to hold $500 from me then its a problem

you didnt learn the first time?

Ask him for BTC back then never trust him with money again. Untrustworthy scum.

this is uncomfortable just reading about it, I hope he makes it and so he can pay it back

yeah beginning to sound like an issue

I owed my friend much less and checked back with him twice to make sure we were square. I would have felt guilty even it it were just a couple bucks. Don't really understand this mentality at all. Unless you have a casual understanding taking turns for uber or getting drinks something.

Basic decency

this, also checked

>give money away like a beta bitch
>trys to make it look like he is some kind of 4d chess badass

I did not think we would reach these levels of autism until at least September.

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I’ve had “friends” like this. Cut off contact with them, they’re not good people.


How often do you call each other? If you call each other once a week I wouldn't be surprised if he called you later on.

If he says "oh shit I was drunk and completely forgot about it" though... He's trying to rip ya off

Would be my assumption until proven otherwise honestly. Don't be a cunt OP.

you know the answer

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I loaned my sister who has a job (i don't) 7k usd over 5 years ago so she could fly to germany and get expensive eye surgery she didn't need from an expert doctor because she just bought a house and couldn't afford the surgery and needed to see for her 50k per year job. 1 year after the surgery she returned 2k. Since then i've seen nothing. She always just claims that she's broke.

kill her

The absolute confusion in a transsexuals mind

The friend is a snake at that point and needs to be cut out

>If he doesnt send it back before me confronting him im going to cut him off.

this is some autismo shit, maybe he has a good reason, maybe he was drunk and forgot, maybe he doesn't think about Bitcoin much, who knows?

Cutting him off because he doesn't send it back before you mention it is retarded. Mention it to him, be like yo I want my money back, and if he delays at that point THEN cut him off, but most likely he'll just say some shit like he forgot and send it immediately, no harm done

i spent a year in ecuador "helping the poor" when i was younger
made a friend who was a bit, lets say, smart with foreigners. hed have two three white gf's sending him amounts of money.
a couple years later he came to berlin to live with his gf. i visited and he showed me his money stash, which he had built in cash by asking her for small amounts for food, etc, and not spending it
he wanted me to help him buy a smartphone for him as that would hold more value than bringing the cash back to ecuador
it was his plan to marry her, initially, but he then decided to suck as much euro out of her as possible
he flies back and everythings fine
couple years later he asks me to lend him 200 usd
i was loaded at the time so 200 us was one day drinking in a pub
i think to myself
>>well this is a sort of test. if he ever pays me back, or only ever tells me he is sorry for not paying me back, i have someone on the other side of the world that i can actually trust, even with small amounts of money.
>>he will obviously never pay me back though
i give him the money and a year later i ask him if it went to the cause he was claiming to need it for (drivers livense)
>>sorry user i needed to spend it on medicine for my daughter she had a severe sickness but god bless you for your generosity
>>mfw he was never religious in the first place

guess his skin color and tell me why it's not white

you should write an email to the bitcoin ceo. tell him whats going on i believe he will send your money back immediately.

good luck

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Never lend borrow or trade with friends.

shut the fuck up cunt
no one cares about your whore ass justification

> cut him off

you fucking pussy ass faggot, you should be cutting him up.

Have you tried asking for your money you autistic faggot?

when rkg calls you a cuck, you should probably rethink yourself m8