Tfw my wifes parents come from overseas and visit in the weekend

>tfw my wifes parents come from overseas and visit in the weekend
>just realized my walls and doors are full of punching holes from my drunken rage
How do i hide or fix them fast?

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picture frames on walls, hangable mirror on your door. if your wife has bruises from beatings use make up to hide it.

Attached: zinsser-patching-repair-4428-64_1000.jpg (1000x1000, 87K)

why did/do you drink excessively? are you alright sven?

thanks, think i got some frames in the storehouse. Hope itwill be enough
depression, self hate. Stopped drinking since the start of this year, hope i can keep it up. Don't want my future kids to ever see this pathetic side of me

If you're going to patch the holes you should paint over them too.

You'rr the Swede married to Vietnanese woman, right?

never let that self loathing win m8, youll fucking make it and you're already doing a good job stopping with your drinking habits. keep it up

Whatever, south east asians don't even know what a real house looks like, they won't notice the holes because they will be too mesmerized by your funiture and electronics

What are your walls made of? I'll break my hands if I tried to punch mine

Bump because I want my question answered.

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Yeah, where did you remember me from?

Why do wh*toids love punching walls so much?

I thought euros didn't have cardboard houses like us? Have we been lied to?

Why do Americans (and Swedes) do this?

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normal people beat their children

What does your wife think about your habit of destroying the house while drunk?

haha because it makes us feel strong :)

Never thought about it but I've kicked, elbowed, punched and thrown things through the wall over the years

There's two of us?

God, I hope this won't be me. About to marry a SEA girl, and I have some anger issues too. At least her parents are dead.

The curse of all SEA girls. Suffer in the 3rd world or suffer in the 1st word.