I really hate having a boring personality. I really hate having people ignore me and not wanting to be around me...

I really hate having a boring personality. I really hate having people ignore me and not wanting to be around me. I hate being being lonely and a brainlet. How do i make personality gains?

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Work a job where you have to talk to people everyday

Unironically? Stop being on Jow Forums all day

buy a round at the next work happy hour

Make up for a boring personality by having interesting hobbies.

This post makes me sad :(
You’re worth more than you can possibly imagine OP, I promise. Don’t listen to the faggots who feed me (you)’s either

You don't have to be charismatic just to make friends.
Read How to Win Friends and Influence people and then put it into practice.

I did this and it’s unironically not enough. I’m still boring as fuck

I had the same problem. Then, I read Dale Carnegie's "How to Win Friends & Influence People." It really was as easy as that to begin befriending others and adopting a veneer of charisma.

By not asking these questions. And by drinking a few beers once in a while and seeing life through a different optic of truly NOT GIVING A FUCK = being the REAL you with no social pressure/fear. A lot of it has to be how you view yourself btw.

Can't tell if this is supposed to be ironic or not but that book is a good source, however I don't think it will make you want to do any of that really. I work in an office and it gets hard to want to talk to those cunts every day, especially the bitch next to me. I can only be happy go lucky and charming for so long.

Unironically this.

Most of this are link to laziness.
Move your ass, start with exercise.

Interesting. Why do you think you're boring? Is it not being able to think of what to say? Not feeling quick witted?

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Not ironic. The book is a good source. I don't mean in that context, necessarily. More so for OP to end his loneliness and brainlet status.

Book is great if you want to flip the happy-go-lucky and charming persona every now and then (i..e, company events, family holidays, gatherings with friends/acquaintances, interactions with strangers, women, etc.)


Do interesting shit, don't be afraid to develop well thought-out original opinions, surround yourself with people who are positive and have high social skills, test the water on banter.

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Go learn how to dance. Find places near you that offer group dance courses. Accept the fact that people don't like you. When you interact with people actually ask them questions about themselves and listen.

Make some fucking jokes and expect them to fail. It takes time to be funny. Focus on those things and the rest will follow. Also take a shower.

Have you tried Cocaine?
It worked for Pro Wrestlers in the 80s and it will work for you too champ.

Boring in what way, OP?

user, I will tell you the truth on one else on this board will tell you. You are most likely not physically attractive, so you have a negative halo effect. The reason people are ignoring you are not because you have a bad personality or boring interests, but because you are ugly or unkempt.

If you're fat, you need lose your weight. However, if you have a weak chin and other facial features I'm afraid the only change that will matter is surgery.

formerly awkward autistic idiot who became charismatic life of the party guy here
it doesnt get better. being able to navigate social situations easily doesnt make the rest of your life more enjoyable unless you are literally spending 100% of your time and money on degenerate get togethers or at le club. if youre exeptionally boring, you end up in the position youre in now. if youre exceptionally lively and bring tons of energy to a party, the masses of average normies quickly get jealous and will actively fuck with you all through the night, constantly hoarding around you everywhere you go, trying to hit on the same girls youre hitting on, trying to suck as much of the energy you brought to the table as they possibly can. the only genuine interaction that can be found is when you get one-on-one with people, but 99% of people are so fucking retarded it would be more satisfying to talk to a brick wall. i have found a single person in all of my boomer years that i can consistently sit down with and talk about anything with, pressure-free.
just make money off your e-coins and get a solitary hobby desu

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thx user

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What hurts the most is when I show people the real me and they know I am different. At times they respect me for it, at times they ridicule me for it, but deep down I wish I was just a god damn normie so I didnt have to wonder why God made me so separated from the others.

passively collecting the banal narratives that are least-challenging alternatives to your failing programme isn't progress per se

worry not friend apu. there is hope and love beyond all horizons. what we are feeling now is but the shadow of a happy future which always lies just ahead, if we are willing to reach it.

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There is no hope, personality IS looks

If you were good looking, people would have treated you more nicely as a kid and you would have developed confidence and a good "personality" whatever that is

Does Chad the bully who pushed me around and rubbed his dick on me on the locker room have a good personality? No, but he's good looking and can act funny and confident, so teachers love him and think he's great, and he'd have sex with tons of girls at parties regularly

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theres no such thing as a boring personality, only a boring face.

a good looking man with nothing to say is labeled as 'mysterious'.

You live as an exile because you are of your heavenly father, and not the (((earthly father))).