Single-handedly destroys UKIP

>single-handedly destroys UKIP
how does he do it, lads?

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quick rundown

Shouldn't politics related threads be in Jow Forums you sack of fucking filthy shit?

>attempts to be rash to journalist like le edgy internet man
>gets BTFO

besides UKIP is dead, Brexit Party replaced them

he has completely btfo the journalists though

didn't he get banned from running for something?

true, but its against anglo sensibilities, the average voter will probably think of him as a cunt. Shows hes not trained, clearly as he hasnt even finished highschool.

he's a failure of programmer(cancelled kickstarter project because coding was too hard for him). he's also a failure of historian (publicly admits he never heard of aryan migration to iran and india theory). not surprised he failed at this too.

This. OP is acting like a nigger. (note: nigger means an unruly person - relating to the fact that black people commit criminal acts at a high rate)

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He has that little charisma and is a literal man child, reminder that he is almost 40.

He really should read Aristotle rhetoric, at least every politician has been trained in it

>Journalists ask him what his policies are
>Can't even remember the one his party is named after
>Has to be given an example of one so e else has and then asked again
>Goes one tirade about vague "social issues no one is talking about" instead of shit voters actually care about

His CV

>So Mr. Benjamin, rural areas claim subvention isn't on level that would allow them to make decent profit since Brexit. Do you have plans to somehow manage this during period of leaving EU?
>Lol SJW champagne commies at Oxford want tranny children. Niggers and faggots. I said offensive words hohohohohohoho.

brexit party is a big joke
you are completely retarded
do you even fucking know what he is running for?

>General Studies - E in 1999
damn this guy is old and stupid

And yet people take his opinions. To be honest by the way he writes you can tell his level of education.

He didn't go to university and his knowledge of the world comes from civ 4 and newspaper headlines.

He was working grunt jobs before youtube

>do you even fucking know what he is running for?
The official creation of Kekistan.

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your hero is a stupid guy thats been a menial worker since the 1990s. Go on defend him.

Brexit party is a joke, but UKIP is an even bigger joke. My money is on Labour. COME ON YOU REDS.

These internet people are gonna be the next presidents. A worrisome prospect once the powers that be find out. They will weaponize twitch thoths for votes.

Corbyn despises jews and probably jerks off to idea of them suffering. But he loves small paki cock up his bum, so not really a true contrarian.

He is a f idiot and can't string a logic thought togather, don't lower yourself

>falling for smears by the independent group
Corbyn speaks the truth friend, besides I only care for train nationalisation and similar proposals. Fuck tory scum.

I give him credit for standing up to jews and not being afraid to punish them cause holocaust card is starting to lose its charm in his view. But he's islamophile. Being commie and using religious groups to win results in guaranteed catastrophe.

fucking state of politics in this country, it's embarrassing

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im surprised he even put his A levels on given he has that much professional experience

When is gamergate 2 starting?

me? i'll be voting for CountDankula when the time comes.

gamers rise up


The absolute fucking state

There are people who look up to this guy as an intellectual

he smarter than all of Jow Forums at least

Whens the election?

google it you fat fuck

>Your hero
why are slavshits always arguing in bad faith?
>menial worker
so i suppose drumpfies are the ones we should be handing our votes to then?
>braindead political masturbation

This is great
Love all the stuck up cunts taking politics and themselves so seriously shitting an absolute inferno over the dude

and I thought our politics were bad


they are

not as much as this shitshow

>visual basic

even more so

elaborate on that

>Wh-what??? No of course I don't have ambitions to become a politician!!!

>there's nothing really wrong with young boys..... It's very subjective, I mean the ancient Greeks used to do it, you know?

Hail Corbyn! Hail Albion! Hail Victory!


>Mr Benjamin said: "I can be quoted as saying you can f*** young boys. It’s actually not as controversial as you think.
>"Depends on the child, doesn’t it? The ancient Greeks were pederasts. It was considered to be normal. It was mentoring."
>He also used a string of offensive racial and homophobic slurs in old videos.
redpilled indeed


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Translate Filipino Puki to english

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Imagine being such a vulnerable fuckup that you fall for the Jow Forums bullshit.

incels should be culled

>kipu kipu kipu kipu

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Looks unironically like a gay bear usually looks like

is it really important to consider the intangible events of prehistory that are beyond the scope of our culture's history?

What does kipu mean, finlandy

it's pain

There is no political solution

PJW should have run.

brexit party destroyed ukip

Mark unironically sounds like a good dude

Brexit party won't get off its feet

for a guy obsessed with ancient middle east, yes. it's a disgrace.

>Sargon of Akkad, a guy called Count Dankula and this lad from Infowars will be MEPs next month

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makes the AFD look good

YouTube money must be drying up.

>implying they'll get enough votes
yeah no

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There is no election threshold for European elections in Germany. We literally send Ossi-Ronnys to the EP.

And they're actually better than any candidate from any progressive party, that's the clownest part of all.