Why are froggos like this?

Why are froggos like this?

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>especially if I forgot to say bonjour/bonsoir

I'll never understand why foreigners complain about this. How hard is it to say "bonjour" before starting a conversation with someone.


I thought this was more of a German thing to do. Don't they hate people that speak German with an accent?

Someone post that drawing of a french guy shoving a baguette in his butt

It's a simple rule

English have the right balance of politeness and pragmatism. Frogs are so afraid of losing their culture, they autistic things like force you to say bonjour

Not saying bonjour isn't speaking bad French, it's just being impolite.

I doubt anyone here would mock someone for making a grammar mistake seeing as 90% of people can't even differentiate futur and conditionnel tenses.

bonjour I fucked your mom

In french please


that's reasonable. you're supposed to greet someone before you start a conversation. Try the US South. They get all bootytickled if you don't say "yes sir or yes ma'am".

That's just how the French are.

French are just the nastiest people

how do you say bonjour in Arabic?

nice post

Bonjour, j'ai niqué ta mère.

Salamalekoum and you respond, malekoum salam

bonjour, grand bien te fasse

you're not forced to say anything, you will simply be treated like the rude cunt that you are

>politeness if a weird concept to polish blockheads

just one more reason to hate the south

Adorable, un tel niveau de politesse s'achève seulement en français.