How do Euros feel when they see a German flag in a public space?

How do Euros feel when they see a German flag in a public space?

Attached: german nationalism on the rise2.jpg (2473x1595, 553K)

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tourist stealing our fishies

Today I was almost overrun by to fucking German cyclists. Those animals should be exeterminated.

its like 1940 all over again

Attached: german nationalism on the rise.webm (1024x576, 2.42M)

>Fat activist

Attached: 4AE8A918-AC80-42ED-AEC9-4CDC5D36CB91.jpg (616x595, 95K)


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I wanted to look at her post but holy shit she's active.

where can I buy a polo like this

i remember when this first got posted a day after she did but it took fucking 10 mins of scrolling to find. And i kept going because i thought it must be super close.

lol wtf?

We litteraly kill g*Rms overhere

damn she survived the encounter?

Just type the tweet in Google's search bar.

nah, he did deaded her

So if a German likes his country and is proud of it, he's a Nazi?

you know who else was proud of their country? Nazis

kek this even got an article on

all I can think of is Fred Perry, but I heard it's racist to wear that in Europe, don't know how true that is, but do a bit a research before you cop one.

Its more so that Germans dont deserve a country to be proud of in the first place

found the polo but its not availiable anymore

Attached: 20180803_182009_grande.jpg (546x600, 19K)

I'd trust a G*rman over most Europeans today anyway

I'm gonna buy it

I feel like singing Deutschland uber alles

Your first mistake

He literally just said its not available

Stop terrorizing people everywhere fucking nazi.

i tell them theres a moose and its cub in the forest and i can show them where.

once theyre in the forest i kill them with shovel to the head, killed about 140 so far and i wont stop until every german tourist is dead

I think everything is available in Russia.

>Think something is not available in Russia
You think the guy who can mail a bride away will have trouble finding a shirt?

Attached: 1507224175001.jpg (454x400, 17K)

Polos are incel tier
If you wear them, have sex

Have you lads seen what this slag looks like?
Trust me, she isn't hot. She's fucking ugly. I don't know why she's so scared; no one would want to be near he.

You can buy on Ralph Lauren de

Greatest ally

Attached: brandenburg gate israel.jpg (768x508, 93K)

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My ancestors :)

Absolutely not sure what to make of this, but I'm erring on the side of BASED

Based and redpilled anyone has the link or she deleted it?

This projection is retarded and uncreative imo. Why would you project onto a open surface such that half of the flag isn't visible?

I'm fucking sick of seeing/hearing Germans everywhere I go here, they are like a plague

Attached: Q91AvzG.jpg (3264x1836, 506K)

Fuck off nazi


Not our fault that the english speaking corner of internet is obsessed with us


NAZI BTFO!!!!!!!!!

:( ich bin kein Nazi :(

I own this

Attached: adidas-duitsland-trainingspak-2019-heren_1500x1500_35395.jpg (1280x1280, 687K)

>nazi pajeets

Attached: 1556224562044.png (922x715, 282K)

>he is currently not wearing his 2k16 Euros away kit

Attached: RR pZfMo6goS_LRG.jpg (600x600, 19K)