how is your country dealing with the rise of the manlet? i've noticed a lot of lanklets here are becoming insecure
How is your country dealing with the rise of the manlet? i've noticed a lot of lanklets here are becoming insecure
I wouldnt be insecure, if this dude and this girl were next to me at da club, I know my superior 186 cm height would make that chick more wet than an inflated muscled manlet
why are you guys like this
>bullies manlets because height is all lanklets have going for them
>manlets start to lift and gain a personality as a defense mechanism
>Lanklets stagnate, “muh height is all I need to get by”
>Manlets start finessing lanklets’ women because they have hobbies and shit while lanklets obsess about height still
>lanklets become intimidated by Manlets now and don’t know how they were able to fight back because muh hierarchies
>"w-what are we gonna do about the manlet problem”
I’m a 5’9 manlet, I workout, i have a defined jawline and I’m lean at 72 kg. My “six packs” pics look good under proper lighting and I receive enough validation through Facebook and Instagram likes from strangers.
I still get mogged by fat 6’2 cousin with moobs and blobs for a face when we hang out. It’s suffering. He doesn’t even have to try while I have to put in all this effort.
Did he dump his Latina gf?
redditors always marry such cruel and perverse women
Do you actually believe any of what you said applies to real life?
how is that a bad thing
she literally wants to ensure their children will lead more enjoyable lives
It's a well known fact that manlets generally lead less fulfulling lives, get less attention from women and make less, so it's only right to act accordingly.
why didn't she marry a tall man in the first place?
>how is bearing a child with a man that isn't my husband while currently being with my husband and saying I love him a bad thing?
stop being a retard for the sake of nothing just because you're under the cover of anonymity
it's not surprising you are unable to have sympathy for manlets
I will treat them with kindness and respect as they toil on my asparagus plantation
>their children
yeah, then he dumped this one to date an asian scientist
the manlet is king now
>why didn't she marry a tall man in the first place?
because she likes this guy
Don't think an apezillian can phathom the concept that relationships are about more than reproducing.
YOU are the one who has no sympathy for manlets
It's unethical to birth a manlet, especially in a post tinder hypergamous society
Do you think adopted children are not their parent's children?
I'm 176 cm, was going to work by bus when a 60-something man sat next to me. He was at least 195 cm and holy shit the moggery was insane. He was so physically large he took up 1,5 seats while I was pushed into a corner, also his pinkie was literally 3 times bigger than my thumb. That made me realize that no amount of lifting and developing confidence can ever mitigate the sense of inferiority that you feel when in presence of a bigger man.
Yes but why would a taller man want to have kids with a short woman and likely have a shorter son than himself when he could have kids with a woman in his height range and guarantee that his son will be tall? Doesn't height usually average in between? There's a reason this short woman married a manlet and needed to go to a sperm donor.
he was dumped, you dumbfuck
manlets are coping with their insecurities about height by getting ripped. It's insane just how many muscular men are manlets
she wouldn't even look at a lanklet twice
Stop being bitter about height either way and just lift. No more brother wars
t. 5'7"
Is that some sort of incest roleplay?
me training my manlet punches for the inevitable height wars
I don’t know about eternal angloland but in America I see Manlets with gfs and wives all the time since I work in the mall
>rise of the manlet
They can't can't even rise to the top shelf.
how did she become so popular
see her shit plastered on my snap story timeline
>gain a personality
Are you retarded by any chance?
Thats like 6'2 in india
seethe more
Never (you) me again or I will curse you with another Yeltsin
Why does he look like he stares at little girls at the bus stop
why did this make my peepee hard..
mr and mrs incredible are husband and wife, genius
mr incredible is really tall though, he's clearly portraying the son in this image
cause youre a homo
Based roastie
Just stick to low iq girls and shit like that will never once come up in your life.
other way around
you gay
Lanklets are becoming terrified because they’re afraid anther manlet dictator will rise to power somewhere and kill a bunch of people. Maybe if they’d just stop making fun of us we wouldn’t have to do it so often.
not really man, 5'8" was the average in my high school class.
on the street, probably, but most of us get to meet chicks from class, university, etc. day game isn't a thing in India.
IDK man I am about 5'9 now but as a kid in India I was pretty much average in my class section. The stats would vary by the sub-population demographics.
Eh, screw that, my height is average for my country, so I never developed insecurity out of it.
A lot of these are perverse fantasies from humiliation fetishists.
It sounds more like a problem with your insecurity than his height. Height is an amplifier, it won’t save you from being an ugly fatass.
I laughed