WTF Estonia

WTF Estonia

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Slavs gonna Slav

they're nordic

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I am not being ironic when I say this. Being Nordic means you have to be a little "cuck" and that's a good thing.
In Finland and Sweden we shun far right parties which aren't even as edgy as these guys.

Looks like an emoji to me.

Wtf?! How is he balancing that tray on his head?!!?

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>Being Nordic means you have to be a little "cuck" and that's a good thing.

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wow estonia really needs more diversity both of these guys are white

Toomas was a swedish born american who was installed as estonians unelected president, who championed literal neo nazis as long as they fought for US/EU/NATO.

He needs to go fuck himself.

>Being Nordic means you have to be a little "cuck" and that's a good thing.
Thank god I'm Finnish, not Nordic tho

bulb blilblers (fuck niggers)

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He's Estonian-Swede who also has some Russian ancestry on his mother's side

how do you know they're even aware of what it's "supposed" to mean


Estonian and Russian Khazar, born in Sweden.

There’s this invention called the internet, and there’s this concept called dogwhistling, and certain dogwhistles can be passed around by people with other people of the same insecure and childish mentality as they are through said invention.

Quit playing dumb, incel.

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Doesn't that mean ok?
White power? what?

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The sea is the domain of the white man.

based and waterpilled

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sea levels cannot raise fast enough

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It's a masonic hand gesture (666 being the most obvious meaning). Election newfags who never even bothered to read the copypastas decided it would be epic ftw to force it as a white power sign to trigger the libtards (like they did with milk), then even dumber magapedes and internet journalists actually went along with it.

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Now that I think about it, I have never actually seen a professional black swimmer.
I think there may actually be a physiological reason to explain why whites are so much better than blacks at swimming.

thank you mr poseidon

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>the white power sign

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You be sayin' that white nationalists are literal Satanists now?

Or maybe blacks just have heavier bones.

The milk nonsense has been around longer than you've been alive and that satan bullshit is nonsense as well you cretin
The OK hand meme was a stupid "own the libs" moment to see which one was stupid enough to fall for it, but of course being as short sited as they are they didnt realize that it doesnt work if ALL the alt right retards use it unironically and ALL liberals consider it a white power symbol. The only person theyve tricked is themselves by getting a fucking hand gesture blacklisted.

I've often asked about this phenomenon from Americans. Apparently blacks aren't allowed in pools or something

higher muscle density, less fat
women float better than men too
guys will often have the legs sink

lol, I thought the same

sage and report all twitter threads


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Swimming pools are a sign of wealth, being able to have your own requires a lot of money.
The quality of the community pool relates directly to the community. Lots of gang violence occurs at rec centers/public pools in black neighborhoods.
I do remember that one of the guys in the 4x200 relay in the 2008 Olympics was black. Predictably he almost lost the race for based Micheal Phelps

President of Mexico, Lopez Obrador pledging allegiance to the new Axis.

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You fucking idiots!

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Yes, that's right.

hail my national socialist brother

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Wtf? How is the guy on the right balancing that plate on his head?!

>Da joos
>Da maysuns

That American silver medalist swimmer back in Rio 2016 was a black chick if I remember correctly. It's rare but they do exist.

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Estonian girl magic

Can we convince them that high five's are a sign of white male domination

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It's about average center of gravity. Low center of gravity gives you an advantage in swimming, and in running on the other hand it's the opposite. Top swimmers are rather tall also, and as we mentioned they have really short legs and tall upper body. Look at Michael Phelps for example. This whole question of succeeding on top level in swimming is about in what frequency one can find these type of bodies within a population.

You are brainwashed and guided by Jews to use their symbol and think that their symbols don't have any other meanings. Morons.

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Ruuben did it first. The media went nuts with le same sign the Australian shooter did. Then Mart and Martin did it to get back at the stupid media.

that's an OK sign you retards

who's ruuben

pretty much

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member of parliament

>Drinking milk makes you racist
Seek therapy you incel.

This guy:
He's a member of Parliament.