Is there something wrong with me?

My gf wants to fuck literally 2-3 times a day while I can barely do once a day and after that would rather shitpost on biz.

am I becoming a boomer for real with low sex drive?

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>having a gf
0/10 larps

Go back to r9k and we don't need your shitposts either, Jow Forums needs informative posts

If you don't keep up she's going to cheat on you

biz is the only board I browse, otherwise this site is shit

post her feet and I'll decide

fuck her with your fist, while she is tied up on the ground

and I have contributed much more informative posts here than you

she wants dick but it is not working more than once/day
life really is over after 22 can't even fuck anymore

get her a vibrator

tie her up, put a sock in her mouth and fist her till she is crying !

get some aphrodisiacs broski

I’m 27 and I’m the same way. I can fuck once a day. If it’s a different girl each time I can keep going but if it’s the same girl, I can fuck her once and that’s it

Dude I wish I was you... My gf needs no sex at all, she's a 9/10 smoking hot but she doesn't need sex at all. Also she's very conservative and shy in bed. What's the point of having a trophy gf if she can't please you? Shall I dump her?

Was always like that for me. Not all are born sex machines

Having ED in your 20s is TOTALLY NORMAL. Watch more PORN to make things better

You’re probably like me. Sex is only great after a long difficult chase. When you get a gf and are able to fuck whenever you want it gets boring. It’s all about the chase that gets me horny af

I recommend to be less judgemental. A lot of women feel like they have to hide their sex drive because it would intimidate their husbands or boy friends, just like OP.

>Shall I dump her?
If you get no sex then I would

I don't even watch porn anymore

yeah I think it could have something to do with that

Low test

During last 6 months we fucked not more than 5 times.

Your girl is a nympho that needs to control herself. 2-3 times a day is NOT normal

definitely tell her that it is not working unless she starts giving you more sex

yeah this is what I thought too and I told her this but she got pretty mad

horny woman means she wants a baby OP, be careful, specially if she says stuff like not to worry because she's on the pill. Oldest trick in the book.

I bet a girl who craves sex 2-3 times a day is way more likely to cheat. Imagine if she gets horny when she's drunk

Just get her a boyfriend - problem solved!

I've told her already but it's not working.
She never initiates sex. Every single time we fucked I was the one who started it. We've been 5 years together and she's a wonderful person. Sincere, modest and hardworking. Unlike all of those sluts out there. I don't wan't to give up on her becasue she's the best woman I've ever met. And I know what I'm talking about... I know thousands of thots and noone is even close to my girl...

That's next level delusion

How old is she? Women don't really hit their stride until they're 30. She'll be like OP's girl then.

How much spare time do you guys have that you can fuck 3 times a day? Tell her to workout in the gym then she will be too sore to fuck

Nah sex is really lame. I too prefer shitposting on Jow Forums than sex. This is coming from someone who has a abnormal high sex drive.

Dude, seriously my ex was like this too. I swear to god she was a lesbian or something. It was really grinding my gears. I dont know what to say user, she was a total troll so im glad i got rid of her. But if yours is perfect and a 10/10 ... jezus, sucks to be you user.

My girl no is the complete opposite, i really love her. She is a total nympho, the first 2 months we met. Honest to god there were days (when we were living in france, we met there) where we would fuck between 5-7 times on 1 day. Really like rabits, and she is level 9000 in bed compared to this ex im talking about.

Right now we are together for 1 year and things have slowed down lol, we keep it to 1 or on occosion 2 times a day. I just think that lot of anons dont know that some girls just have a natural drive.

check your hormones with your doctor

I'm a virgin but I literally masturbate six or seven times a day. Conditioning the boys so I don't become pathetic like you.


Liven up the bedroom experience. Have a nice long session and get intimate, you will find it rejuvinates both of your desires. I used to fuck my girlfriend of 8 years about twice a week but we've fucked at least seven times the past four days.

I have a smoking hot gf but I also don't even want to fuck her anymore and we have been together for only a year. I lust for bitches who are uglier that I just see randomly on the street. Anything new gets me horney, but fucking the same person doesn't. Don't know how to change this degenerate behaviour as my gf is pretty much ideal in all respects.